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灾祸是福,塞翁失马焉知非福。Disaster is blessing in disguise.

看来失去原来的工作对你来说是“塞翁失马”啊。Losing your job was just a blessing in disguise.

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他在比赛中的失利只是塞翁失马。His fail in the match was just a blessing in disguise.

雷辛格认为房市衰退可谓是塞翁失马。Mr. Reisinger views the housing slump as a blessing in disguise.

“塞翁失马”比喻事事多变,坏事可以变成好事。It means that a bad thing may become good thing under certain condition.

塞翁失马吧,也许对我的职业生涯也有好处,这将让我更塔夫。Perhaps it is also good for my career and it will make me stronger mentally.

经过这件事,我深刻领会到了“塞翁失马,焉知非富”这个成语的意义!This made feel deeply the meaning of a idiom, a loss may turn out to be a gain.

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“塞翁失马”是你不认识首先是一件好事好事。"A blessing in disguise" is a good thing that you don't recognize at first as a good thing.

没有得到那份工作其实是塞翁失马,因为现在我已得到一个好得多的工作。Not getting that job was actually a blessing in disguise, because I have got a much better one.

塞翁失马,焉知非福?你可以将你一直没时间看的书看完。Well, every cloud has a silver lining. Now you can read all those books you haven't had time for.

没有得到那份工作其实是塞翁失马,因为现在我已经得到一个好得多的工作。Not getting that job was actually a blessing in disguise because I have now got a much better one.

不要对当下的逆境沮丧,因为这可能是塞翁失马,安知非福。Don't be frustrated by your present unfavorable situation because it could be a blessing in disguise.

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美国选民给奥巴马的打击,也是一次“塞翁失马”的遭遇。The pounding delivered by America's voters to the Democrats is a blessing in disguise for Barack Obama.

正如丘吉尔一样,奥巴马一定也在想,如果这次失败是一次塞翁失马,那么同样,他也摔得很惨。Like Churchill, he must be inclined to think that, if this is a blessing, it is a very well disguised one.

尽管不确定因素很多,很多资产经理正试图安抚他们的客户,并希望客户们以塞翁失马的态度来看待降级。Despite the uncertainty, some asset managers are trying to calm their clients by putting a positive spin on the downgrade.

当然,事情可能会变得很糟,但是塞翁失马焉知非福,所以应该停止抱怨,寻求解决方案,最重要的是,要坚信自我,摆脱负面思维。Find solutions instead of complaints. And most of all, learn to believe in yourself, and to block out negative self-thinking.

当丘吉尔在1945年的大选中落败的时候,他的妻子克莱曼婷告诉他“塞翁失马,焉知非福”。When Winston Churchill was defeated in the 1945 general election, his wife, Clementine, told him it was "a blessing in disguise".

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昨天脸上刚挨了一巴掌,现在,这些想法看上去有些一厢情愿,但是有时侯塞翁失马,焉知非福?After yesterday's slap in the face this may sound like wishful thinking, but sometimes bad turns have positive unintended consequences.