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她是胆囊炎开刀。She had been operated on cholecystitis.

这是单手开刀的终极解决方案。This is the ultimate in one-hand openers.

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莎朗上个月开刀之后的状况怎么样?How's Sharon since her surgery last month?

不会有人拿星级的营销员开刀的。Nobody will be laying off star salespeople.

敏敏怕打针,怕医生,怕开刀。Min scare the needles, doctors and operation.

肝内胆管结石必须开刀手术吗?Intrahepatic bile duct stones have surgery surgery?

担心在不景气的时候第一个被拿来开刀吗?Worried your employer might cut your position in a downturn?

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已经成了习惯了,当初我不答应给佩华开刀就好了。I'm used to it now. If only don't approved Peihua's operation.

我没有留疤的原因是因为医生是用雷射帮我开刀的。I don't have a scar because the doctors operated on me with a laser.

四位州长都曾因拿政府公共部门工会开刀而引起风波。All four governors have caused a stir by taking on public-sector unions.

通常的治疗方法包括药物治疗,但有副作用,或开刀手术。Usual treatments include drugs, which carry side effects, or invasive surgery.

医生在开刀前给患者使用该药来减少出血的风险。Doctors give Trasylol to patients before surgery to reduce the risks of blood loss.

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我当时负责开刀房,并在1974年协助规划四床新的手术房。I was in charge of the Operating Room, and helped set up a new 4 room suite in 1974.

改用自制小切开刀和针型切开刀进行治疗,效果满意。Using self-designed knifes satisfactory results were obtained to deal with these obstacles.

既然我们手头没有非洲牛羚,我就直接拿只烤鸡来开刀。We don't have any African wildebeests to hand, so I can try it using a bit of roast chicken.

不过,廷达尔表示,他早已接受过鼻部矫形手术,不太可能再次开刀。However, Tyndal said he had received nasal orthopedic surgery, unlikely to be repeated surgery.

与开刀手术相比,接受此类手术的患者恢复速度更快。Patients tend to recover more quickly from such procedures than they would going under the knife.

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治疗方面唯一的方法是早期开刀切除,如此对良性瘤有很大的效果,但对恶性瘤仍是无济于事。The prognosis was good for benign tumors but poor for malignant tumors even after surgical operation.

学生们明天将要办一场义卖会,为一位需要开刀的同学筹款。The students are holding a rummage sale tomorrow to raise money for a schoolmate who meeds an operation.

这些含有价值上百万英镑的部件的设备可以在不经过痛苦的和开刀的检查的情况下检测疾病。The gadgets in the million-pound unit can detect illness without the need for painful and invasive tests.