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所以,放手去做吧,让自己试一试。So go ahead, give them a try.

你得知道自己应该在何时选择放手。You have to know when to quit.

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让我放手吧,亲爱的,求你了。Let me let go, darlin', won't you.

如果它通过了所有这些检验,那就放手去做吧!If it passes these tests, go for it!

当你放手任其发展的时候,奇迹的事情就会发生。When you let go amazing things happen.

他一放手,脑袋便垂向一侧。When he let go the head lolled sideways.

按你认为最好的放手去做,但是务必挖出名字。Do as you think best, but bring me names.

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听起来是个好机会。放手去做吧!Sounds like a good opportunity. Go for it!

我们要放手发动群众。We must go all out to mobilize the masses.

什么时候去指导,什么时候放手不管青少年呢?When To Guide, When To Let Go Of Teenagers?

在特定时刻,你只能放手一搏。At a certain point, you just have to let go.

如果你一无所有,反而可以放手去做。If you have no hand, you cannot make a fist.

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还可以用窄口瓶来放手镯。Use vases with narrow necks to hold bracelets.

放手整件事,呼入原谅。Let go of the story and breathe in forgiveness.

昨天你说的明天就是今天放手去做吧!!!Yesterday u say tomorrow is today. just do it !

这个小孩抓住了我的胳膊,牢牢不放手。The boy fastened onto my arm and wouldn't let go.

如果你一无所有,反而可以放手去做。If you have nothing to lose, you can try everything.

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千万不要再做像放手骑单车那样的危险动作了.Never again pull a stunt like ride a bicycle no hand.

所有养儿育女的过程,就是一步步放手的过程。All of parenting is a series of letting go by degrees.

狮子也决不放手,他也飞快地向兰兰追去。Lions never let go, he flew to go to the lamlam chase.