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论文的第三部分是德育学分制的实施。The second part is the about the design on moral credit system.

我拥护他在我们大学采用学分制的政策。I uphold him in his policy of adopting the credit system in our college.

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导师制是学分制实施的有效保障。The tutorial system is an effective guarantee to implement credit system.

美国的学分制是1872年首先在哈佛大学实践的。The credit system in Americawas first bought by Harvard University in 1872.

学分制框架包括约束性框架和非约束性框架。The credit system frame includes restrictive frame and non-restrictive frame.

美国的学分制是1872年在哈佛大学首先实施的。The credit system in America was first adopted by Harvard University in 1872.

学分制是一种比较先进的高等教育教学管理制度。The credit system is a better teaching management system in higher education.

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并对学分制下实验室管理提出一些建议。It makes a suggestion about the laboratory management under the credit system.

在全国高校中率先推出先进的完全学分制。PCCC is the first one to launch the credit system among institutions of higher education in China.

教育改革篇在全国高校中率先推出先进的完全学分制。PCCC is the first one to launch the credit system among institutions of higher education in China.

尽管大多数高校都有类似课程,高校学分制却不尽相同。Although most colleges offer comparable courses, not all college credit systems operate the same way.

“完全学分制”存在着语义学上的逻辑悖论,在制度理性上不可能,在现实中也不存在。Complete credit system has illogicality in semantics. It is impossible on system, and does not exist in reality.

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学分制人才培养模式改革继续推进,自主选拔录取试点工作顺利开展,通识教育和个性化人才培养得到强化,人才培养质量有效提升。The reform of the mode of talent training was continued, and independent student recruitment pilots went on smoothly.

学分制在本质上是一种尊重学生主体性的教学管理制度,它与主体性德育具有内在的一致性。The credit system is a kind of corpus teaching management system, which pays attention to respecting students in essence.

我国正在实验的高中选修课具有模块化、多样化、层次化、弹性化、学分制等特点。The elective courses undergoing experiment in China are characterized with module, diversity, elasticity and credit system.

进一步完善和实行学分制将有效地促进教学改革,提高人才培养质量。Further perfection and implementation of credit system will effectively promote teaching reform and improve talents quality.

学分制不仅是学校教学制度的一次革新,也是学生管理工作的一场革命。The credit system is not only an innovation of school teaching system but also a reform to college students' administration.

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学分制是一种先进的教学管理制度,其核心是选课制。Credits system is an advanced teaching administration system. The essence of credits system is "the system of elective course".

中等职业学校实行学分制这一新的教学管理制度以来,其教务管理方面的问题突出地摆在职教工作者面前。This paper studied the fundamental designs and common modules of the MIS of teaching administration in Tangshan Teachers College.

论述创新学分制的内涵、内容及实施创新学分制应来取的对策措施。The creative credit system is expounded. The content of the creative credit and some ways of how to carry on it are also mentioned.