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几年前,这里曾经有一些罪案发生。Years ago, there was some crime here.

镇上发生了一个可怕的罪案。In the town, a shocking murder occurs.

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八部新剧集中的五部都是罪案相关的。Five of the eight new pilots are crime- related.

证据清楚显示他与这件罪案有牵连。The evidence clearly implicated him in the crime.

我了解他们控制罪案的动机和目的。I understand the motive and goal to control crime.

你现在成为他罪案调查的目击证人了。You are now a witness in his criminal investigation.

这一罪案似乎并无作案动机。The crime seemed to have been committed without motive.

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观察油尖警区的反罪案行动。Observing an anti-crime operation in Yau Tsim Police District.

调查复杂的有组织罪案和严重的三合会罪行。Investigates complex organised crime and serious triad offences.

当然东俊也许确实有罪而金泰与罪案毫无关联。Of course Do-jun could be guilty and Jin-tae had no involvement.

美国的罪案之都拥有平均每10万人中有52宗凶杀案的犯罪率。The murder capital of the USA sees an average of 52 per 100,000.

帕默向罪案现场走去,诺维克强行地拦住了他。Palmer heads toward the crime scene and Novick forcibly stops him.

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阿比的左轮手枪留在现场使罪案牵连到她。Abby's revolver is left at the scene to implicate her in the crime.

帕默向罪案现场走去,诺维克强行地拦住了他。Palmer heads toward the crime scene, and Novick forcibly stops him.

他是这起犯罪案的同谋,所以被判有期徒刑一年。He is the accessory of this crime, so he is also sentences to one year.

写有他名字的证物和目击证人的证言都证明他与罪案有关。A clue with his name on it and eyewitness testimony tie him to the crime.

英国的侦探小组包括了三名侦探和一名罪案现场专家。The British team will include three detectives and one crime-scene officer.

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她与助手,法律系的学生水野弥生并肩作战,扑灭以女性为目标的罪案。Mizuno, who is a law student, they try to exterminate swindlers target women.

罪案日增。报警后需要三周的轮候期。Crime is growing. When you call local cops, there is a three-week waiting list.

当审判团仅仅应用于一些特定的罪案时,就是这样。This is true a fortiori when the jury is only applied to certain criminal causes.