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有了这种安全双节棍,组织双节棍比赛便有了可能。It now became possible to realize nunchaku matches from man to man.

中国的双节棍多是圆的,而日本的是八边形的。Chinese nunchaku tend to be rounded, whereas Japanese are octagonal.

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我会很乐意过,如果我们能成为朋友!I will be very happy too if we can be friends ! Do you practice Nunchaku too ?

开始学习双节棍时,要有出洋相的心理准备。When training with the nunchaku at first, be prepared to look like a bad comedy routine.

同样,使用手去抓或者阻挡对方的双节棍也是不允许的。Neither is it allowed to use one's hands to grab or even block one's opponent's nunchaku.

传统的双节棍是由坚韧的硬木,如橡木或枇杷制成的。The traditional nunchaku is made from a strong, flexible hardwood such as oak, or loquat.

自由式双节棍仍处于幼年期,但是发展迅速,并且,拥有遍及全球的爱好者。Freestyle nunchaku is still in its infancy, but growing fast, with practitioners all over the globe.

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我的猜测是太阳或者湖人的某球员在第七场会用链锯或者锁链棍来阻止邓肯而裁判不会吹。My guess is that somebody on the Suns or Lakers could use a chainsaw and nunchaku to stop Duncan in a Game 7 and the refs wouldn't call it.

对于木制双节棍,最好用被橄榄油、山茶花油或其他植物油湿润了的布擦洗,这样可让它更容易握住。For wooden nunchaku it is advisable to clean the nunchaku with a cloth moistened in olive oil, camellia oil or any other plant oil for easier grip.

李小龙在片中的大无畏精神和惊人的打斗技巧,特别是他表演中的“李三脚”和“地躺拳”和“双节棍”,令人赞不绝口。He soon followed up with Fist of Fury, in which his fearless and stunning fighting skills, especially his mastery of Lisanjiao, Ditangquan, and nunchaku catapulted him to stardom.

李小龙的电影在几乎所有欧洲国家都非常成功,体育俱乐部也迫切地要求学习东方武术,犹其是双节棍越来越流行。In nearly all European countries, Lee's movies became a great success and the sports-clubs were overwhelmed with the demand for Eastern Martial Arts. Especially the nunchaku became extremely popular.