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南极大陆并非总是冰封的不毛之地。Antarctica wasn't always a frozen wasteland.

南极上空的紫色部分即是所谓的「破洞」。The purple part over Antarctica is the "hole."

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除了南极洲,我住在世界上所有的陆地上。I live on all the continents except Antarctica.

南极洲的冰穴和松岛冰川Polynyas and the Pine Island Glacier, Antarctica

有些海豹居住在南极洲的南极区。Some seals live near the South Pole, in Antarctica.

在南极进行化石搜寻是极度困难的。Fossil-hunting in Antarctica is extremely difficult.

溢油污染是从南极旅游船。Oil spills from tourist boats are polluting Antarctica.

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其它两个冰盖在南极洲,厚达两英里。Up to two miles thick, the other two lie in Antarctica.

冰山和阿德利企鹅,阿德利地,南极洲。Icebergs and an Adelie penguin, Adelie Land, Antarctica.

有些地理学家将这部分水域称为南冰洋。Some geographers call these waters the Antarctica ocean.

如果企鹅愿意付钱的话,他会到南极洲去作巡回政治演讲。He would stump across Antarctica if the penguins anted up.

鹬鸵和这些鹰因此被困在南极洲。Kiwis are, and so are these hawks trapped near Antarctica.

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中国到目前为止在南极地区建立了两个考察站。China has so far built two research stations in Antarctica.

她看见了这条船在南极洲的附近航行经过。She saw this ship passing by while sailing near Antarctica.

一座巨大的冰山依偎在南极冰架的怀抱。An enormous iceberg nestles into an ice shelf in Antarctica.

除南极以外,我居住在世界上所有的大陆上。I live on all the continents in the world except Antarctica.

我住在世界上除南极洲以外的所有的陆地上。I live on all the continents of the world except Antarctica.

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除南极洲外,各大洲均存在光污染。Light pollution exists on every continent except Antarctica.

科学家对于南极洲融冰情况,感到忧心。Scientists for the Antarctica ice-melting situation, worried.

南极洲是地球上最高、干和最冷的地方。Antarctica is the highest, driest, and coldest place on Earth.