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他有一条腿受伤了。He has an injured? leg.

你象是受了委曲的样子。You have an injured look.

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另一个美军士兵则身负重伤。Another American was injured.

这匹马差点使他受伤。The horse nearly injured him.

受伤的手腕肿起来了。The injured wrist swelled up.

鸽子啄伤老鹰。The pigeon injured the eagle.

一颗子弹伤了他的左眼。A bullet injured his left eye.

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伤员发出呻吟声。The injured man let outa groan.

那位受伤的人疼得大声叫喊。The injured man roared in pain.

足寒伤心,民寒伤国。——汉·荀悦。Cold cold heart, people injured.

帮助伤者或者被困者.Help injured or trapped persons.

爱悳那么真、伤悳那么深。Love so real, so deeply injured.

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兽医把伤牛利索地杀死了。A vet dispatched the injured cow.

韩鹏此次受伤的还是左膝。The Han or the injured left knee.

我断过鼻梁,所以受伤了。I broke my nose, so I was injured.

那个伤员在吐血。The injured man is spitting blood.

兽医把那匹受伤的马杀了。A vet dispatched the injured horse.

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在七死九伤之前的事。Before seven dead and nine injured.

7个小孩在陕西省北部的一个农村幼儿园中被劈死,另有11个小孩受伤。Eleven other children were injured.

他摔了一跤,伤的很严重。He got seriously injured in a fall.