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后来这种“印象派化”的表现风格就形成了日本油画的“学院派”。Later, the kind of performance style of "Impressionist" formed "the Academism.

在造型风格上,上海的建筑经历了从殖民地风格向学院派复古主义发展。The style of the architecture in shanghai changed from colony to academism reaction.

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二十世纪三十年代,学院派是一支风格卓著、颇有影响的文学流派。As a unique culture style in 1930's, the Academism played a important role in literature.

第三章分析“学院派”东北秧歌的文化形态变迁。In Chapter Three, the transition of the cultural formation of the "Academism" Northeast YangGe is analyzed.

当代诗人任洪渊的诗歌是中国学院派创作的一个典型。The contemporary poet Ren Hongyuan's poetry is the typical example of poetic creation of the Chinese academism.

为了表明自己的立场,多年来他总是以一个独立艺术家的面貌出现,有的时候稍稍带一点学院派。In order to manifest his own standpoint, he has been emerging as an independent artist featuring a little bit sense of academism sometimes.

作为一名现代自由主义知识分子和学院派文人,李健吾的人生经历和戏剧创作包蕴着丰富的历史信息。As one modern liberalism intellectual and academism scholar, Li JianWu's experience of life and his drama contain abundant historical message to create.

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他曾师从康有为学习西方写实主义绘画,在欧洲又受到西方传统写实主义、特别是法国学院派的影响。He had studied under Kang Youwei the Western realism, and in Europe he was influenced by the traditional Western realism, especially by the French Academism.

高压文艺政策、商业文学泛滥的双重挤压也促使学院派作家坚定审美自由的文学追求。The high-pressured of the literary arts policy and the commercial literature are also urge the academism writer to insist on their freely esthetic literature pursue.

学术性和职业性是高等教育的两种价值取向,二者的融合是教师专业发展的价值追求。Academism and professionalism are two values pursued in the higher education, and the integration of both is a goal sought after the development of teachers' specialization.

五十年代经历了院系调整和学习苏联的浪潮中国建筑教育一直被学院派思想禁锢着。In 1950s architectural education experienced institutional adjustment and the tide of learning from the Soviet Union, throughout which it was confined continuously by academism.

20世纪以来,中国民间舞开始进入专业舞蹈院校的教学与创作领域,并以其特有的文化形态被中国舞蹈界称为“学院派”民间舞。Since the 20th century, Chinese folk dances have entered into the professional education which is called by Chinese dance people the"Academism" of folk dances based on their own cultural formation.