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他有60开外了。He is over sixty.

六十法郎白扔在河里。Sixty francs in the gulf.

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你试过开到时速六十英里以上吗?Have you tried to go over sixty?

这艘船宽长六十呎。The ship is sixty feet in width.

有多少同学圈了60个以上的?How many people scored above sixty?

那顿晚饭花了我60美元。That dinner set be back sixty dollars.

那顿晚饭花了我六十元。That dinner set me back sixty dollars.

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我们班由六十名学生组成。Our class is made up of sixty students.

所以,一个60毫米直径的卵石。So, a sixty millimetre diameter pebble.

他花了60元钱买了一本新词典。He paid sixty yuan for a new dictionary.

我猜想陈老师几乎快60岁了。I'd guess that Mrs Chen is almost sixty.

0到50的呢?50到60?Between forty and fifty? Fifty and sixty?

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在三百六十度的温度下烤四十五分钟。Bake it forty-five minutes at three sixty.

她一把就抓住了六十根,要了它们的命。She grabbed sixty at once and killed them.

这个字典有六万字。This dictionary has sixty thousand entries.

今晚我研究了六十道竞赛题。And I finished sixty questions this evening.

这个班共六十名学生。In all, there are sixty students in the class.

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那个班的学生数是六十个。The number of students in that class is sixty.

李老师已经六十多岁了,他已经退休了。Mr. Li is over sixty years old. He has retired.

你可以给他们六十元或六十六元。You can give them sixty Yuan or sixty-six Yuan.