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他听到执行官说。He heard the bailiff say.

传票已由法警送达。The summons was served by a bailiff.

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他们既不知道有审判官,也不知道有执法官。Neither judge nor bailiff is known there.

我的管家告诉我说,你为我照看鸡是最合适的人。My bailiff tells me you are quite the proper person.

你站在被告的抢劫,他说,听到文官。You stand accused of robbery, he heard the bailiff say.

法庭执行官负责向被告签发传票.The bailiff was in charge of issuing a summons on the defendant.

一个巨大的法警迅速采取行动,阻止该行中博纳塞拉站着。A huge bailiff moved quickly to block the row in which Bonasera stood.

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授权法警逮捕藐视法庭人的命令。Warrant which authorize the bailiff to arrest a person in contempt of court.

当法警将Michael领开时,他看到了他侄子LJ坐在审判庭中。As the bailiff leads Michael away, Michael sees his nephew, LJ, sitting in the courtroom.

夏天的味道是淡淡的,空气中洋溢着执热的气息。Summer is the flavor of the faintly in the air was permeated with a bailiff hot atmosphere.

执行官接受了她家庭和警察双方的贿赂,但最终他还是释放了女孩。The bailiff accepted bribes from both the family and the police, but in the end he freed the girl.

正当迈克尔要被法警带离时,他看到了自己的侄子,LJ,坐在法庭里。As the bailiff leads Michael away, Michael sees his nephew, LJ, sitting in the courtroom. "Go home LJ."

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克朗彻站到巴萨身边,没有被他发觉,像个鬼国的差役一样碰了碰他的肩头。Unseen by the spy, Mr. Cruncher stood at his side, and touched him on the shoulder like a ghostly bailiff.

对执行员的控制应该从资格、行为准则、惩戒制度等几个方面入手。The system of controlling bailiff consists of entrance qualification, conduct criteria and discipline rule.

同时,法院法警是在什么似乎是一个杀手从犯罪复制会杀死被指控犯。Meanwhile, a court bailiff is killed in what appears to be a slaying copied from the crimes Will is accused of committing.

梦想正在一执达主任是指你是努力工作,以更好地您的生活水准和您现在的位置在工作。To dream of being a bailiff denotes that you are working hard to better your standard of living and your position at work.

此时无论是谁需要寻求你的帮助,在你介入并扮演执行官的角色之前先看看这样做能够给你带来什么,并检视清楚你的动机。Before you jump in and play bailiff for whoever needs you this time, look at what it'll get you and check out your motives.

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这个可怜的年轻人的事业不太妙,尽管这样,他还是付了一笔钱给我的执达吏,并遣走了看守。The poor man's affairs are in a bad way, though this did not prevent him from paying off my bailiff and dismissing the watchman.

“嗯,”法官说,“我的职业既高贵又拥有权力,当我走进法庭的时候,狱警会说’全体起立!"Well, " said the judge, "my position is one of dignity and power. When I walk into the courtroom, the bailiff says 'All rise! '

被答应进入旁听的只有孩子们的父母和学校的两位教师。9时30分,法警将13名小大人带入被告席。By two teachers of the has children only father and mother of admit audit and school. 9 when 30 minutes, bailiff takes 13 young adult dock.