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该片也没有提前放映。There were no advance screenings.

向医生咨询你的癌症筛查结果。Consult your doctor for regular cancer screenings.

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这个测试是不包括在标准的性健康检查。This test is not included in standard sexual-health screenings.

这一数字并不包括IMAX放映的收入。The figure does not include the movie's earnings from IMAX screenings.

这些场次的票价都比平时高。Tickets for those screenings were priced higher than for other showtimes.

甚至你会在东海岸午夜放映之前提前看到预告片。You’ll even get to see it before the midnight screenings on the east coast.

彻底筛查需要人力和物力资源的大量投资。Exhaustive screenings require a major investment in human and material resources.

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重视早期检查。向医生咨询你的癌症筛查结果。Take early detection seriously. Consult your doctor for regular cancer screenings.

有多人出席的电影首映式将会于本周末在爱丁堡电影节中举行。The film will have multiple screenings at the Edinburgh Film Festival this weekend.

作为一种反盗版工具,虚拟放映成本更低,而且比过去的措施更简便。As an anti-piracy tool, virtual screenings are cheaper and simpler than past efforts.

日本公司对这种情况略有所知,但没插手阻止。Japanese companies were vaguely aware of such screenings but didn’t try to stop them.

向你的医生确认一下对你这个年龄段的男性所建议做的常规检查。Check with your doctor about routine screenings recommended for men in your age group.

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同时,也包括拍摄被编舞的作品访谈、讨论、影像放映以及实践操作。It will include talks, discussions, screenings and practical exercises in filming choreographic work.

至今为止,向大批观众播放电影的最大银幕的记录出现在挪威与日本。So far the largest film screenings ever recorded have been shown to mass audiences in Norway and Japan.

预防性筛选的好处就是它们不需要很长时间而且基本上没有痛苦。The great thing about preventive screenings is that they don't take very long and are basically painless.

孩子们可以接受基因测试以确认他们是否遗传了此变异,并且定期进行癌症筛检。The children can receive genetic testing to find out if they have the mutation, and regular cancer screenings.

如需下列放映电影之详细资讯,请连结至网际网络电影数据库。Many of the film screenings listed below are linked to more information provided by the Internet Movie Database.

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一系列充满乐趣、温暖友爱的聚会、艺术展览、论坛和电影放映等活动正等着你。A host of fun-filled, family-friendly parties, art exhibitions, panel discussions, and film screenings await you.

表明你自己是女同性恋或双性恋的身份,并咨询一下对你这个年龄段的女性所建议做的常规检查。Identify yourself as lesbian or bisexual, and ask about routine screenings recommended for women in your age group.

海滩旁边还有电影萤幕、周五夜间烟火秀、马戏团空中飞人和杂技演员。There are also movie screenings by the beach, Friday-night firework shows, and circus trapeze artists and jugglers.