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什么叫瓷砖的色差?What calls the chromatism of ceramic tile?

其次,釉面色差应尽可能小。Next, glaze chromatism should as far as possible small.

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用该法测定的滴定液体积数与常规方法结果相符合。The results of chromatism method accord with the general method.

本文还对白光再现像的色差进行了讨论。The chromatism in the white light reconstruction is discussed at last.

色差问题将不能作为中差评、投诉、退换货的依据。Chromatism problems will not be as the bad review, complaints, return the basis.

花岗石的几何尺寸、色差问题由于天然原因,不易解决。Because problem of granitic geometrical dimension, chromatism is natural reason, masty.

据李先生透露,卧室地砖颜色色差较大,花型散乱,以次充好。Disclose according to Mr Li, chromatism of color of bedroom floor tile is bigger, pattern is messy, shoddy.

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该文针对提高全彩比LED显示屏的显示效果,提出一种减小色差的解决办法。This paper proposes a method to reduce the chromatism for full-color LED screen to improve the display quality.

瓷质砖的色差是影响产品质量的一个常见问题,且影响因素繁多。The chromatism flaw of tile is a common problem in influencing the quality of product and there are mant factors about it.

即使你在使用某一组墨盒时调制出正宗的灰度,如果某个颜色的墨盒用完了,一旦换上新的墨盒,又会出现色差。If you are using a group of eight to produce authentic grey ink cartridge, if a color ink cartridge, once again, change new cartridge would occurrence chromatism.

新国标中指出,单色釉面砖常规的色差值为0.75,数值越大则代表色差越大。New GB middle finger goes out, the off color value of convention of monochromatic glazed pottery is 0.75, chromatism of numerical value is greater delegate is bigger.

的实物拍摄,但由于光线及显示器的原因,您所看图片可能会有轻微色差问题,这是不可避免的,请谅解!如无法接受的买家请慎重购买。Due to take in light and the monitor, pictures may have a slight chromatism problem. This is inevitable , Please forgive! If cannot accept buyers please buy cautiously.

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实木地板由于天然存在色差,故不能苛求无色差,但可以自行挑选,逐步调整,缓慢过渡。Because real wood floor is natural existence chromatism , reason cannot make excessive demands colorless difference, but can choose by oneself, adjust stage by stage, slow transfer.

CMC作为染整工业的印花浆料,可增强染料的亲水能力,渗透能力,使得染色均匀,减少色差。CMC can be used as printing material for dye-trimming industry and it can improve hydrophilic force and osmosis force of dye material, making dying more even and reducing chromatism.

瓷砖色差是指由于生产工艺的原因而造成瓷砖产品在颜色与花纹上的差异。Ceramic tile chromatism is to point to the difference that creates ceramic tile product as a result of the reason that manufactures technology to go up in color and decorative pattern.