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再举个更近一点的例子More recent example.

查询词最新更新。Recent updates about QUERY.

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上面所说的是近年来遇到的挑战。So that was a more recent one.

“四人帮”创造了一个名词叫“臭老九”。That word is a recent coinage.


目前最新的版本是3。The most recent version is 3.05.

他最近的行为使我感到费解。His recent behavior perplexes me.

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这项创新才出现不久it's kind of a recent innovation.

接着慢慢进入人们的视线。That's getting into recent memory.

最近爆发的赤潮。The recent outbreak of Pfiesteria.

最近的一个案例与简·巴特林有关。A recent case concerns Jane Butlin.

可能你就是最近那个伤心的人。Maybe your most recent heartbreaker?

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一律使用近期一寸正面免冠照片。Please use recent one-inch ID photos.

审查近期安卫环保进展情况。Review progress of recent SHE program.

最近几天,气温骤然上升。The temperature spurts in recent days.

最近的一个例子是东没有伊甸园。A recent example would Higashi no Eden.

但无聊并非当下之新发明。But frivolity isn’t a recent invention.

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他最近的事件是与卡特里娜麻醉剂。His recent affair is with Katrina Kaif.

并且近年来也未减少。and have not decreased in recent years.

bgC3的一些活动都是最近发生的。Some of bgC3’s activity has been recent.