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他向皇帝叩头。He kowtowed to the Emperor.

现在,就让吾皇登座!Now let the Emperor ascend!

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一句话把皇帝噎了回去。This choked the emperor off.

乱民拥立他为皇帝。The mob acclaimed him emperor.

1804年他被加冕当了皇帝。He was crowned emperor in 1804.

后来,皇帝决定品尝这道热菜。Later the emperor the hot dish.

皇上给了他十字勋章。The Emperor gave him the cross.

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此山明太祖之墓。This hill, Tomb of Emperor Zhu.

再说始皇帝陵。Besides First Emperor Mausoleum.

是为黄帝轩辕氏。Is the Yellow Emperor Huangdi's.

而是三国东吴国王孙权的墓。It's the tomb of the Wu Emperor.

你觉得在这个没有皇帝的时代里谁是皇…Who do you think is the emperor?

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身为皇帝,死也要顶天立地!An emperor ought to die standing.

小锅是一个皇帝企鹅。LITTLE POT is an emperor penguin.

这广陵国的国王到底是谁啊?Who was the emperor of Quangling?

您是魔鬼的皇帝!You're the emperor of the fiends!

我要让你成为皇帝。Haughtily I'll make you the Emperor.

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他肯定是世上最可怜的皇帝。He must be the poorest emperor ever.

曾使古代的帝王和村夫喜悦。In ancient days by emperor and clown

那这位皇帝一定很开心吧。The emperor must have been thrilled.