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每个乆都是自己故事里旳主角。Everybody is the protagonist in oneself story.

自己成了故事的主角---只有我自己。Himself the protagonist of the story --- only my own.

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这盒卡通牛奶盒甚至还有它自己的粉丝网站。The milk-carton protagonist even has its own fan site.

一场酒宴下来,菜是搭配而酒成为了主角。A dining down, food is tie-in and wine became protagonist.

书中主角告诫道,任何出现在排行榜上的人都将大祸临头。Anyone on the list, its protagonist warns, is "dead meat".

名单上的任何人,它的主角警告说,都会很快完蛋。Anyone on the list, its protagonist warns, is “dead meat”.

故事的主人公格雷是一个念初中的半大小子。The protagonist Gray is a window boy in junior high school.

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好像留级之王主角范伟德那样在学校生活!As the king of Van Wilder fail in school life as protagonist.

于是一个机器人新主角,用铜板包底的罗德尼出现了。Thus enters the young protagonist of Robots, Rodney Copperbottom.

这是一款主角名叫凯特琳的女性动作冒险手游!This is a female protagonist Kettering hand action adventure tour!

傻傻的一个主角能把电影院里的观众套住,实在不容易。Silly a protagonist can put cinema audiences trapping, is not easy.

本剧的主角是一位30岁的高中英语教师鲇川。The protagonist is a high school English teacher, 30, Nian sichuan.

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一起刑事案件需要一个较强的故事,以及一个恣意妄为的主角。A criminal case requires a stronger narrative—and a willful protagonist.

在故事的结尾,主角变成了一个强有力的拳击家。At the end of the story, the protagonist emerges as a powerful pugilist.

长期以来,他是我在舞台上看到的表现最为丰富的主角。He is as richly drawn a protagonist as I've seen on stage in a long time.

电影「魔戒」中的主角是哈比人佛多。The protagonist in the film, "The Lord of the Rings, " is the hobbit Frodo.

这部小说科幻浪漫的主角是一个名叫卢卡斯的年轻科学家。The protagonist of this novel sci-fi romance is a young scientist named Lukas.

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第一章讨论男主人公斯坦利身上所表现出来的强烈男性特征。Chapter One discusses the male protagonist Stanley Kowalski's strong masculinity.

作家把他最近一部小说中主人公的性格描述成又懒惰又自私。The writer characterized the protagonist in his latest novel as lazy and selfish.

伱是莪独立制作旳电影,是主角和主题,是叫嚣旳信仰。You are my independent films, is the protagonist and theme, is clamored for faith.