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卢格参议员是对的。Senator Lugar is right.

富布赖特参议员也出席了葬礼。So was Senator Fulbright.

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参议员本顿是他的另一位朋友。Senator Benton was another.

参议员继续问话。Then the senator continued.

参议员哈牧德,参议员肯尼迪,埃尔顿.约翰,参议员莫顿。Senator Kennedy. Elton John.

一位是参议员罗斯科·康克林。One was Senator Roscoe Conkling.

参议员,你已经胜券在握了。You have it in the bag, Senator.

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相反,多尔参议员大获全胜。By contrast, Senator Dole won big.

毕竟他本是就曾是一名参议院。He was a Senator himself, after all.

我们这个区对这个法案投了反对票。Our senator voted against that bill.

但参议员奥巴马本身也有问题。But Senator Obama has issues as well.

顺便提一下,这位参议员的名字是阿尔•戈尔。By the way, that senator was Al Gore!

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希拉里已向世人证明自己是位颇得人心的参议员。She has proven to be a popular senator.

罗兰德。伯瑞斯正式就任联邦参议员。Roland Burris is officially a US senator.

参议员杰夫·弗莱克假期度得非常霸气。Senator Jeff Flake vacations like a boss.

这位是伊立诺依的参议员巴拉克·奥巴马。This is Illinois Senator Barack of Obama.

这位参议员站了起来,他环视四周,整个参议院大厅都安静了下来,每一双眼睛都盯着他。The senator stood up. He looked about him.

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该参议员抨击增加税收。The senator declaimed against higher taxes.

他们把发言权让给了南方议员。They yielded to the senator from the South.

加州参议员刘云平投票反对这一禁令。State senator Ted Lieu voted against the ban.