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一种酸性成分。An acidic ingredient.

如果土壤酸度高则向土壤中加石灰。Add lime if the soil is acidic.

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海水正在变得越来越温暖,越来越呈酸性。Water is getting warmer, more acidic.

腌货被认为具有很强的酸性。Souse is believed to be highly acidic.

做熟的菠菜呈酸性。Spinach turns acidic when it is cooked.

可乐能清洁铜锈是因为可乐呈弱酸性。Cola cleans brass because it's mildly acidic.

什么时候你就知道自己过酸了呢?When does one know one has gone overly acidic ?

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绿玉藤宜种植物在中性至酸性的土壤中。Jade vine grows best in neutral to acidic soils.

酸性最低的氧化铝触媒只产生环己烯。The least acidic aluminas give only cyclohexene.

陕南茶园,土质多为黄褐土、黄棕壤。Yellow cinnamon soil is clay, neutral or acidic.

耐化学性,酸性或腐蚀性清洁剂。Chemical resistance to acidic or caustic cleaners.

中义纸张不含酸性或碱性的物质。Acid-free paper that is neither acidic nor alkaline.

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最好能搭配一些弱酸性的软水底泥。The best collocation some weak acidic water sediment.

兼有酸性蛋白酶、淀粉酶、糖化酶等。Both acidic protease, amylase, glucoamylase and so on.

上升的碳酸浓度使海水的酸度越来越高。A rising carbonic acid level means a more acidic ocean.

最佳的解答为中立化酸性或泥煤似土壤。The best solution for neutralising acidic or peaty soil.

果瓣跟剥开的蒜瓣相似,果肉可食,味道酸甜。The pulp of fruit is edible and tastes sweet and acidic.

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酸雨——大气中沉积的酸性物质。Acid Rain----The atmospheric deposition of acidic substance.

含咖啡因的汽水或是酸性的汽水更是不能喝。Sodas with caffeine and those that are acidic are even worse.

这些油颜色较深然后比熟油更酸。These oils are darker in color and more acidic than stand oils.