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或许赫拉终究还是太超前于她的时代了。Maybe Hera was ahead of her time after all.

但是希拉想要为阿格斯的死处罚爱娥。But Hera wanted to punish her for Argus 'death.

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她留下了孩子赫拉二世和阿波罗二世。She left Hera II and Apollo II as her children.

赫菲斯托斯和他的哥哥阿瑞斯都是赫拉的儿子。Hephaestus and his brother Ares were sons of Hera.

他选择了阿佛洛狄忒,却因此引起了雅典娜和赫拉的不满。He picked Aphrodite, thus angering Athena and Hera.

天后赫拉出于嫉妒烧死塞密莉。Seven days of Hera out of envy and burned close Li.

女神赫拉是出席由她的婢女虹膜。The goddess Hera is attended by her handmaiden Iris.

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一尊大理石赫拉像站立在入口出迎接着参观者。Marble statue of Hera greets visitors at the entrance.

阿波罗二世和赫拉二世,作为兄妹而继续。Apollo II and Hera II carried on as brother and sister.

希拉同意让宙斯将爱娥变回原来的样子。Hera agreed to let Zeus return Io to her original form.

赫拉利用神谕以及欧律斯透斯来彻底打垮赫拉克勒斯。Hera is using the oracle and King Eurystheus to crush Hercules.

他并未想到此老婆婆竟然是赫拉本人。Little had he thought that the old woman was just Hera herself.

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赫拉·阿格森是在赛昂袭击之后多少天给怀上的?How many days after the Cylon attack was Hera Agathon conceived?

看到这些,宙斯把一朵赫拉形状的云送到了伊克西翁跟前。Seeing all this, Zeus sent a cloud in the form of Hera to Ixion.

为了躲避赫拉,宙斯把爱娥变成了一头漂亮的小白牛。Zeus then turned Io into a beautiful white little cow to avoid Hera.

希拉知道即使他睡觉时,他要看管这只小牝牛也没有问题。Hera knew he would have no problem watching the cow even as he slept.

赫拉答应给他的欧洲和亚洲主为苹果的地位。Hera promised him the status of lord of Europe and Asia for the apple.

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当宙斯看见希拉推开乌云时,他将爱娥变成了只小牝牛。Zeus had changed Io into a young cow when he saw Hera push away the cloud.

宇斯是众神之王,他有办法对她太太希拉隐瞒事情。Zeus, the king of the gods, had a way of hiding things from his wife Hera.

阿瑞斯——宙斯与赫拉之子。父母都不喜欢他。他是战争之神。Ares—Son of Zeus and Hera . He was disliked by both parents. He is the god of war.