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我现在爽快地原谅你。I freely forgive you now.

有些植物开花而不结籽。This plant flowers freely.

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那轮子现在转动得很灵活。The wheel turns freely now.

我爱自由走动。I love walking around freely.

红旗漫卷。Red banners fluttered freely.

惠风和畅。A gentle breeze is freely blowing.

我可以自由安排学习时间。I can arrange my study time freely.

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有些小麦和裸麦大量分蘖。Some wheats and ryes tiller freely.

有些小麦和裸麦大量分蘗。Some wheats and ryes tiller freely.

从那一时刻,她开始随心所欲地撒谎撂屁。She lied freely from that moment on.

其他人认为自由和语境来。Others think freely and contextually.

他宁愿自由自在地与垃圾为伍。He preferred living freely wth rubbish.

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游客们在伦敦四处自由游览。The tourists went about London freely.

她眼泪止不住地顺着脸颊往下流。Her tears flowed freely down her cheeks.

我坦白承认,我跟你一样疯疯癫癫。I freely confess I'm as dotty as you are.

我主动承认我所说覃辉不对。I freely admit that what I said was wrong.

在晶体中,它们不能自由地平动。In the crystal, it can't freely translate.

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既然我们单独在一起,就无拘束地聊聊吧.Now that we are alone, we can talk freely.

在那个梦境中,我有双翅膀而且能随意飞翔。In the dream, I had wings and flied freely.

鹿谷曾经是一片鹿群可以自在优游的森林。Lugu was a forest where deer roamed freely.