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他看起来在不断攀登。He seemed to be climbing.

我没有登山鞋。I have no climbing shoes.

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长春藤有攀缘向上的习性。Ivy has a climbing habit.

我爱他的攀岩风格。I love his climbing style.

遇期攀登似如仙。Climbing as celestial being.

攀缘植物怎样向上攀爬?How do climbing plants climb?

所以我们去攀岩,So we go and do rock climbing

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爬山使我累着了。Climbing the mountain tired me.

黛比在爬梯上面。Debbie is on the climbing bars.

攀冰岩我很在行。I am an expert at ice climbing.

攀冰也是同样纯粹的运动。Ice climbing is similarly pure.

我看见孩子在爬墙。I saw the boy climbing the wall.

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这棵黄瓜爬蔓了。This cucumber plant is climbing.

丁丁也爬上了树。Ding-ding is also climbing a tree.

尼克正在爬攀登架。Nick's climbing up the jungle gym.

严禁攀爬八咏楼石栏杆。No climbing on the stone railings.

现在他喜欢上登山运动。Now he takes up mountain climbing.

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我很喜欢爬尖峰山。I enjoy climbing Jianfeng mountain.

为什么要学习如何动态攀岩?Why Learn How to Dyno for Climbing?

爬那么高使我感到头晕目眩.Climbing so high made me feel dizzy.