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乔罗森塔尔去世二千六。And Joe Rosenthal died in two thousand six.

我的伴侣彼得奥洛夫斯基,管家人罗森塔尔以及赫尔,比尔莫金companion Peter Orlovsky, caretakers Rosenthal &Hale, Bill Morgan

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他是这么做的,Rosenthal随便走进几间学校。Here is what he did. Rosenthal went into a group of random schools.

他们建议,乔罗森塔尔在那里,他已经把每个人都希望他们,然后把照片。They suggested that Joe Rosenthal had placed everyone where he wanted them, and then took the photo.

乔罗森塔尔于二月第二十三,一九四五年它,在太平洋岛屿硫磺岛。Joe Rosenthal took it on February twenty-third, nineteen forty-five, on the Pacific island of Iwo Jima.

罗森塔尔建议,在参加Skype会面或面试之前,“要保证你熟悉这项技术。Before a Skype meeting or interview, "make sure you're familiar with the technology, " Rosenthal suggests.

这是花的时间量美联社摄影记者乔罗森塔尔捕捉电影历史上的形象。That is the amount of time it took Associated Press photographer Joe Rosenthal to capture a historic image on film.

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她讲述了当她每周看见罗森索太太在窗边用手势请求她过来并打开灯时的感触。She tells how she felt each week when she saw Mrs. Rosenthal in the window motioning for her to come and turn on the lights.

罗尼-罗森塔尔承认他已经等不及参加今晚的盛大利物浦回声剧院晚会,他将再次穿上利物浦战袍为莫西塞德主人而战。Ronny Rosenthal admits he can't wait to step out at the Liverpool Echo Arena tonight and wear the red shirt again in the Merseyside Masters.

当他到达山顶,海军陆战队是大国旗绑到一个沉重的一极。乔罗森塔尔放弃了本集团,并开始谈论另一个摄影师。When he reached the top, Marines were tying the larger flag to a heavy pole. Joe Rosenthal backed away from the group and began talking to another photographer.

罗森塔尔先生说,他很幸运抓拍到了升旗最生动的那个瞬间,创作了一幅被誉为艺术作品的摄影杰作。Mr. Rosenthal said would say he was lucky to catch the flag-raising at its most dramatic instant, producing a masterpiece of composition acclaimed as a work of art.

艺术教育工作者可以就“罗森塔尔效应”、“晕轮效应”、“破窗效应”三种效应给艺术教育的启示作一些探讨。This paper tends to have a brief discussion of the enlightenment for Arts Education brought by the Three Effects of Robert Rosenthal Effect, Halo Effect and Broken Effect.

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此外,加州法庭对在加州之外所签订的雇佣合同,也会作出不利雇主的判决。In addition, California courts have at times struck down employment contracts signed outside the state, said Martin Foley, attorney with the firm Sonnenschein, Nath & Rosenthal.

“你可以告诉人们欣喜,并告诉人们怎么采取行动,”罗森塔尔补充说,“让与问题相关的人们聚在一起这是传统媒体可以做得更多的事。”“You can point people to information, guide people to take action,” Mr Rosenthal adds. “Getting people to come together around problems is something the media can do more and more.”