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阿加西把一条腥臭难闻的鱼放在他面前。Agassiz placed in front of him a smelly fish.

“那已经非常不错了”,阿加西很严肃地说。"That is next best, " Agassiz said seriously.

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阿加西总是觉得学生能够学习更多的东西。Agassiz always felt a student could learn more.

不过,阿加西告诫过他,书上的东西也可能是不对的。Agassiz cautioned him, though, that the books might not be right.

每天他从阿加西那里听到的,只是一句礼貌的“早上好”。All he heard from Agassiz each day was a friendly "Good morning."

阿加西当即向他开始提问,想了解他都知道些什么。Agassiz immediately began to question him to find out what he knew.

现在阿加西知道,谢勒不仅聪明而且体格健壮,能够承担未来的学习工作。Agassiz now knew that Shaler was intelligent and physically capable of the work.

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当谢勒回到实验室时,他发现阿加西已经离开实验室好几个小时了。When he returned he found that Agassiz had left the laboratory for several hours.

他连续讲了五个小时,回答阿加西和其他人对他提出的问题。For five hours he talked, answering questions put to him by Agassiz and the other men.

斯卡德在文章中叙述了他如何在阿加西兹教授的指导下学会仔细观察。In the essay, Scudder relates the lesson in observation he learned under Professor Agassiz.

当阿加西第二次询问年轻人同一个问题时,他得到了颇为满意的回答。The next time the young man was asked what he had seen, Agassiz was pleased with his reply.

听讲座在1847年可谓是一项受欢迎的活动,路易斯•阿加西也日益成为一名受欢迎的演讲者。Going to lectures was a popular activity in 1847 and Louis Agassiz was becoming a popular speaker.

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到了哈佛后他就径直来到一座木棚般的建筑。阿加西的实验室就在这里。When he arrived at Harvard he went to a wooden shed-like building where Agassiz had his laboratory.

路易斯•阿加西到美国一年后,一天,一位富有的波士顿人来拜访他。One day after Louis Agassiz had been in America about a year, he was approached by a rich Bostonian.

其排水领域的大部分被覆盖的冰川湖阿格西的冰川湖泊沉积物。Much of their drainage areas are covered by the glacial-lacustrine sediments of Glacial Lake Agassiz.

参议员亨利威尔逊是马萨诸塞州的名字阿加西以校董史密森。Senator Henry Wilson of Massachusetts was to name Agassiz to the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian.

阿加西对谢勒的背景情况很满意,但仅仅有这些还不足以录取他。Agassiz was satisfied with Shaler's background knowledge, but this alone was not enough to admit him to the school.

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阿加西兹教授的教学方法是用看替代讲解,只是让他看了再看。The Professor Agassiz 's teaching method was looking instead of lecturing , he let his young student "look again, look again".

在以后的五十年里,美国大多数杰出的自然科学教师都是阿加西的学生或是他学生的学生。For the next fifty years most of the outstanding natural science teachers in the United States were pupils of Agassiz or one of his students.

谢勒师从阿加西的四年中,老师从未给过他一次测验,但在学习过程中老师经常给他提问题。During the four years that Shaler studied under Agassiz he was never given a single test, but the teacher often questioned him as he went along.