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清洁并保持餐具的清洁以备使用。Cleaning and maintain flatware for service.

事实上,保罗·里维尔是一个餐具工匠。Paul Revere, in fact, was a flatware craftsman.

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这套盘子跟我昨天买的瓷器相衬吗?Would this flatware set go with the china I bought yesterday?

曼迪唤起了她心中所有的愤怒,扔了一个台灯和一些精致的浅碟。Mandy summoned her inner banshee, threw a lamp and some decent flatware.

你解释下,一个餐具盘放在沙发上,这样的组织系统能叫合理吗?Explain to me an organizational system where a tray of flatware on a couch is valid.

问一下跟我解释下托盘餐具放在沙发上这算哪门子组织系统。Excuse me. Explain to me an organization system where a tray of flatware on a couch is valid.

勺子与叉子,是每个人都会用到的金属餐具,而这些将不再会在美国生产。SPOONS and forks, the metal flatware that everyone uses, are no longer made in the United States.

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美国正在商讨对日本钢铁进行更严厉的限制,已经决定要限制日本的不锈钢餐具。The U.S. is negotiating tighter quotas on Japanese steel and has just agreed on a quota for stainless-steel flatware.

不过,我不知道你,但是我厨房的抽屉里和地下室有好多从祖母那里继承来的餐具。Still, I don't know about you, but I have plenty of flatware in my kitchen drawer and more in the basement that I inherited from my grandmother.

刀叉餐具在中,晚餐的时候,直接放在桌子中间餐巾上,配不锈钢餐具。Cutlery for lunchand dinner could be placed directly on the table with a folded napkin in thecenter. Polished stainlesssteel flatware will be used.

当与穆3300放大器使用,它将在响应灵敏度最高水平的钉子一样,洗衣机,餐具件或中等大小的部分。When used with the MU 3300 amplifier, it will respond at the highest level of sensitivity to medium size parts like nails, washers, or pieces of flatware.

随着放大器穆3300,它响应中小型如钉子,果仁或设置为最高灵敏度设置件件的餐具。Together with the amplifier MU 3300, it responds to medium-sized parts such as nails, nuts or pieces of flatware when set to the highest sensitivity setting.

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学习餐具的类型,你需要的时候将在这个自由设定假日用餐礼仪视频从感恩节感恩节晚餐管理局表。Learn the types of flatware you will need when setting a table for Thanksgiving in this free holiday meal etiquette video from a Thanksgiving dinner authority.

负责维修和保管所有设备,如瓷器,玻璃器皿,餐具及不绣钢用品的洗涤设备,还要负责餐饮部后台的卫生工作。Responsible for maintenance and care of all operating equipment such as china , glassware flatware hollowware as well for the cleanliness off the FB back of the house related areas.

大多数汽车部件、大小器械、家用器皿、餐具、小五金、管件和电子设备、线材制品、航空和太空用品以及机械工具,都为了耐用而镀覆。Most automotive parts appliances housewares and flatware hardware plumbing and electronic equipment wire goods aircraft and aerospace products and machine tools are plated for durability.

大多数汽车部件,大小器械,家用器皿,餐具,小五金,管件和电子设备,线材制品,航空和太空用品以及机械工具,都为了耐用而镀覆。Most automotive parts appliances housewares and flatware hardware plumbing and electronic equipment wire goods aircraft and aerospace products and machine tools are plated for durability.