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该城的二百周年纪念日明年即将到来。The town will have its bicentenary next year.

你们有二百周年的纪念邮票吗?Do you have the memorial postage stamps for the bicentenary ?

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为迎接他二百周年华诞,丹麦人已准备用八个月时间来庆祝。Denmark began eight months of celebrations to coincide with the bicentenary of his birth.

波在华成功举办肖邦诞辰200周年活动。Poland also organized wonderful events in China marking the bicentenary of Frederic Chopin.

重开之日的表演是纪念阿根廷独立200周年重大经典节目的一部分。The opening gala performance is one of the highlights of celebrations to mark Argentina’s bicentenary.

接下来的十年——从现在起到我们的第三个百年——将会见证更多更彻底的媒体改革。The next 10 years – between now and our bicentenary – will see even more rapid and radical changes in the media.

阿根廷人聚集沿九德胡利奥在布宜诺斯艾利斯大街出席在布宜诺斯艾利斯200周年的阅兵式上2010年5月25日。Argentinians gather along 9 de Julio Avenue in Buenos Aires to attend the bicentenary parade in Buenos Aires on May 25, 2010.

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今天,在那场独立运动二百周年纪念前夕,他再度出手以挽救相对默默无闻的圣·马丁。Now, on the eve of the bicentenary of the independence movements, he sets out to rescue San Martín from his relative obscurity.

但他无需担心——在他两百周年诞辰之际,丹麦推出了一系列为期八个月的庆祝纪念活动,并急切期望世界的关注。Denmark began eight months of celebrations to coincide with the bicentenary of his birth. And it is eager that the world take note.

但他大不必如此担心——为纪念这位伟大的作家,丹麦以他两百周年诞辰纪念日为契机,开始了一系列为期八个月的庆祝活动,并急切期望着世界的关注。He need not have worried. Denmark began eight months of celebrations to coincide with the bicentenary of his birth. And it is eager that the world take note.

随着2月12日,查尔斯达尔文两百年诞辰的临近,翻翻一本相对较薄却非缺乏深度或勉强凑数的传记是个不错的主意。As the bicentenary of Charles Darwin's birth on February 12th approaches, it is good to welcome a biography which is relatively small, but in no way superficial or scanty.

一个吉他的形象正在发挥预计整个门面的科隆剧院在布宜诺斯艾利斯,在轻显示在2010年5月24日重新开放,因为它在二百周年纪念庆祝活动的大门。The image of a guitar being played is projected across the facade of the Teatro Colon in Buenos Aires, during a light show on May 24, 2010 as it reopened its doors during the Bicentenary celebrations.