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早作准备。Prepare early.

准备一个标题栏。Prepare a caption.

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患者应该如何准备?How should I prepare?

下一步准备试油。Next prepare to test.

然后我们准备肉。Then we prepare meat.

为冰河时代做准备!Prepare for the lce age!

提前准备好菜肴。Prepare meals in advance.

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为您的恢复作准备。Prepare for your recovery.

准备工资表。Prepare the Payroll Sheet.

要准备好一份毕生的事业。To prepare for a lifework.

为私家车做好过冬准备。Prepare your car for winter.

埃尔茜,准备见上帝吧。Elsie prepare to meet thy God.

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苏拉离开去准备食物。Sola then left to prepare food.

是的,我会更好地准备的。And, yes, I will prepare better.

弓箭手拉弓瞄准,准备射箭。Archers aim and prepare to fire.

我们需要准备些东西吗?Do we need to prepare something?

我应该怎么准备汉语水平考试呢?How do i prepare myself for HSK?

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我去原是为你们预备地方去。I go to prepare a place for you.

预习我们的第一个单字小测。Prepare for our first vocab quiz.

为生产迁移做准备。Prepare for production migration.