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嗜酸性结晶体还可见于非典型性腺瘤样增生、PIN和其他情况下。They can also be seen in atypical adenomatous hyperplasia, PIN, and other conditions.

结肠息肉状小腺瘤可以明确分化的概念。The concept of differentiation is demonstrated by this small adenomatous polyp of the colon.

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通过图示的结肠息肉状小腺瘤可以明确分化的概念。The concept of differentiation is demonstrated by this small adenomatous polyp of the colon.

图示的是显微镜下所见的形态学变化,在左侧为正常的结肠黏膜,右侧为息肉状腺瘤的镜下形态学改变。A microscopic comparison of normal colonic mucosa on the left and that of an adenomatous polyp on the right is seen here.

图示的是家族性结肠息肉病,在乙状结肠的表面可见较多的小的息肉状腺瘤。This is familial polyposis in which the mucosal surface of the colon is essentially a carpet of small adenomatous polyps.

本文就其年龄、部位、大小与恶变率的关系进行了分析和讨论。Here is an analysis and discussion of the relation between the ages, places and sizes of adenomatous PolyP and canceration.

非典型腺瘤性过度增生腺癌的序列与大肠腺癌的序列相似。The atypical adenomatous hyperplasia-adenocarcinoma sequence has been likened to the adenoma-carcinoma sequence in the large intestine.

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目的探讨分析肝脏不典型腺瘤样增生结节及局灶癌变的早期CT和MRI表现和诊断价值。Objective Analysis of the liver is not typical adenomatous hyperplasia focal cancerous nodules and the early CT and MRI and diagnostic value.

非典型腺瘤样增生的人肺癌最近已经有牵连作为一个可能的前驱病变的细支气管肺泡细胞癌。Atypical Adenomatous Hyperplasia of the human lung has been recently implicated as a possible precursor lesion of bronchioloalveolar carcinoma.

图示的是家族性结肠息肉病,在乙状结肠的表面可见较多的小的息肉状腺瘤。Family history of conditions such as familial adenomatous polyposis and hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer may increase the risk of colorectal cancer.

其中后尿道狭窄10例,尿道内口闭锁3例,后唇瓣膜2例,腺体残留2例,增生复发3例,前列腺癌2例。Among them, 10 were posterior urethral stricture, 3 urethral obliteration, 2 posterior urethral valve, 2 adenomatous remnant, 3 recurrence of prostatic hyperplasia and 2 prostatic carcinoma.