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你可以把钱花在一两件奢侈品上。You can splurge on a luxury or two.

买件性感的睡衣或者贴身内衣。Splurge on a sexy nightgown or lingerie.

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我大手大脚花了一笔钱买了两套新衣服。I had a splurge and bought two new suits.

炫耀将至,我从今开始诅咒,至死方休。Splurge gathers, and now my curse begins.

明年咱们去法国挥霍玩个痛快。We'll splurge on a trip in France next year.

外套,鞋子风格都很夸张。So yeah, the coat, the shoes, they were a splurge.

当我有压力时或当我庆祝时,我会挥霍。I splurge when I’m stressed and when I’m celebrating.

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有些富婆在钻戒和貂皮外套上挥霍金钱。Some rich women splurge on diamond rings and mink coats.

如果你的收入增加了,当然可以适当挥霍一点。When your income goes up, it’s fine to splurge a little.

有时候我妈妈会挥霍一下,买一块牛后腹肉排或牛尾巴。Once in a while my Mom would splurge and buy a flanksteak or ox tails.

洗个泡泡浴,用一款新的香水,买一套新的衣服,修指甲……每周花一点时间做这些事,你会感到相当开心。Take a bubble bath, splurge on a new perfume or outfit, get a manicure.

洗个泡泡浴,用一款新的香水,买一套新的衣服,修指甲……每周花一点时间做这些事,你会感到相当开心。Take a bubble bath, splurge on a new perfume or outfit, get a manicure.

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炫耀将至,我从今开始诅咒,至死方休。Splurge gathers, and now my curse begins. It shall not end until my death.

你还可以挥霍厚饱满的枕头上熟铁爱席位。You could also splurge on thick plump pillows on a wrought iron love seat.

如果你都不知道哪些事情是需要优先处理,你如何判断何时该节约,何时该花费甚至挥霍呢?If your priorities are fuzzy, how do you know when to save, spend or splurge?

暑期休假时,亿万富翁们群趋尼斯挥霍了百万巨款。Billionaires swarmed into Nice to splurge millions during the summer holidays.

一天,她决定到当地的一家驯马场,尽情体验一下越障训练的乐趣。One day she decided to splurge on horse-jumping lessons at a local riding stable.

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如果飞行时间超过六个半小时,那还是上网打发时间吧。Splurge on Internet service if your flight is more than six-and-a-half hours long.

炫耀人都有炫耀的经历,因为炫耀自己能满足自己的欲望。Everyone has the experience of splurge, because splurge can content himself with peacockery.

你也许在大屏幕电视上挥霍,或者你也许是在去一个更方面的健身房上面挥霍。You might splurge on a big-screen TV, or you might splurge by going to a more convenient gym.