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我上的是补习学校。I goa cram school.

我上的是补习学校。I go to a cram school.

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我去补习学校了啊。Im going to cram school now.

我去补习学校了。I am going to cram school now.

你并不需要把它一下子全塞进去。You don’t have to cram it all in.

我得为应付明天的测验而临时抱佛脚了。I need to cram for tomorrow's test.

不要在考试前夜填鸭式恶补。Don't cram the night before the exam.

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下星期。我想我得临时抱佛脚了。Next week. I think I'll have to cram.

老师试图用填鸭式教学把知识灌输给学生。The teacher tried to cram his pupils.

我不希望你们去死记这个公式I don't want you to cram this formula.

商店挤占了每一个可用的空间。Shops cram into every available space.

他上补习班加强补习功课。He enhances his learning at cram school.

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如何把蛤蜊塞进干净的奶油罐子里?How can a clam cram in a cran cream can?

绝不要脱离上下文孤立地去死记硬背。Third, never cram for it without contexts.

你不能把八个人全部塞进那辆汽车!You can't cram eight people into that car!

克拉姆在赛跑中成绩突出夺得金牌。Cram ran a fine race to take the gold medal.

为了明天的考试,我得熬夜临阵磨枪。I have to cram all night for tomorrow's exams.

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我只有两个小时的时间来为英文考试临时抱佛脚。I only have two hours to cram for this English test!

放学后,我去补习学校喜欢我所有的朋友。After school, I go to a cram school like all my friends.

除了一般的教育之外,我还上补习班作为辅助。I go to cram schools to supplement my regular education.