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这些效应可以供应曲线右移到S2来代表。These effects are represented by a rightward shift in supply to S2.

换句话说,匹配从索引键的最左端开始并向右匹配。Put another way, matching starts at the far left of the index key and proceeds rightward.

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过半百的浩荡大军,在前锋尖刀营引领下,迅速地往山攀登并向右方向靠拢。Big group over fifties, leading by strong hikers, moved up quickly and also moved rightward.

自从2005年加入最高法院以来,首席大法官已无可争辩地将最高法院朝向右转。Since joining the Court in 2005, the Chief Justice has unapologetically driven the court rightward.

请记住,向右滚动的文字能够符合任何从左向右阅读的人的习惯。Remember also that rightward -scrolling text is counter-intuitive to anyone who reads left to right.

右臂划水至肩下,开始向右侧转头和增大呼气量。Sword arm thrash falls to the shoulder, begin rightward to turn head and increase expiratory amount.

他曾在气候变暖和征税问题上向右倾斜,但只是一种基调上的改变。There have been rightward shifts on climate change and tax, but the change is mostly a matter of tone.

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因为,心脏在人体的左侧,如果朝左睡的话会压迫心脏。Because hearts are mainly left side of human body, pressure which heart stands can be reduced if sleep rightward.

我想提请你注意在近一段时间文章,题为“以色列的突然倾斜向右害怕的一些保守。”I wanted to bring to your attention a recent article in Time entitled "Israel's Rightward Lurch Scares Some Conservatives."

奥巴马重获政治中心,向右推动在野党的最简单方法就是与保守派开展一些斗争并赢得胜利。The easiest way for Obama to recapture the center and push the opposition rightward is to pick some battles with conservatives — and win them.

完成后,右脚收回地面,并将右脚向右侧抬起,脚背弯曲,并沿顺逆两个方向划圆圈。After finishing, right leg calls in the ground, raise right leg rightward , instep bends, and the edge is suitable go against two direction to delimit circle.

偏移量决定了裁剪后图片左上角相对于源图片左上角向下和向右的位移。The offsets specify the location of the upper left corner of the cropping region measured downward and rightward with respect to the upper left corner of the image.

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应面向扶梯的运行方向,双脚站在同一梯级内,靠右站稳,手须握好扶手带,左侧留给又需要的乘客。Please face towards the traffic direction , stand on the same tread rightward , and hold the hand strap. Please reserve your left side for other passengers to pass by.

新教科书对惨痛的历史事件进行了修正。教育部门使其获得通过,是日本右倾变革的标志之一。The Ministry of Education's approval of textbooks that contain significant revisions of painful historical events is one of a number of signs of a rightward shift here.

尤其是天道左旋、地道右周等天地旋转的星象运行轨迹,成为人类社会运行类比的对象。The respectively leftward and rightward rotations of celestial bodies and the earth were particularly referred to as a perfect analogue of the operation of human society.

航线偏转杆的左右偏转指示出了飞机对应于所选定航线的左右位移。Course Deviation. The course deviation bar deflects rightward or leftward to indicate displacement of the aircraft to the right or to the left, respectively, of the selected course.

学习中文字符向右水平与写作技巧和发音在此免费视频汉字从汉语师资中的单词和短语招。Learn Chinese horizontal rightward character strokes with tips on writing and pronouncing Chinese characters from a Chinese language teacher in this free video on Chinese words and phrases.

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如果有在配额的曲线方面的一个右转向改变,例如,因为一项新的和更有效的生产技术被发明了,那么被生产的量将增加,而定价将落下。If there is a rightward shift in the supply curve, for example, because a new and more efficient production technology has been invented, quantity produced will increase and price will fall.