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你得参加文娱活动。You must take some recreation.

在娱乐室里打个盹。Taking a nap in the recreation facility.

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每天抽一部分时间用于娱乐。Give a portion of each day to recreation.

它给人足够的康乐活动。It gives sufficient recreation to people.

你在文娱方面有什么爱好?Are you interested in anything on recreation?

但是你应该有比看电视还要好的消遣。But you should have better recreation than TV.

我们城市需要更多的娱乐设施。Our city needs more facilities for recreation.

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在外国仿建一座美国城市?Recreation of U. S. town in a foreign country?

士兵们在娱乐室里玩电脑游戏。Playing video games in the recreation facility.

不过,这个傻蛋倒是可以用来消遣消遣。However, the fool is can be used for recreation.

在一楼有个娱乐中心。There is a recreation centre on the ground floor.

有的,第四层是康体中心。Sure, on the fourth floor is a recreation quarter.

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我们的教学应当寓教于乐。Our teaching should combine education with recreation.

建立水上休闲娱乐中心。Build up the center of overwater leisure and recreation.

推测想象是一种再创造想象。Conjectural imagination is an imagination of recreation.

孩子们像往常那样,都在楼下的娱乐室里。The children, as ever, were down in the recreation room.

休闲业主要指旅游业和娱乐业。Leisure industry mainly refers to tourism and recreation.

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政府征用这块土地建娱乐设施。The government expropriated the land for a recreation area.

防火道可以用来种植蔬菜或者用于娱乐。This area can be used to grow vegetables or for recreation.

不要使用一个办公室,车间或娱乐室的床上。Don't use the bed as an office, workroom or recreation room.