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运气不好。No luck.

好运齐来!Luck Come!

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祝我好运。Wish me luck.

祝您吉祥如意。I wish you luck.

机会都跑光了。Run out of luck.

我就是这么倒霉。This is my luck.

多么幸运的家伙!Whon a luck guy!

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你是个幸运儿。You are luck dog.

好运自然来。Good luck to nature.

这样意味着坏运气。That means bad luck.

祝您好运找到它!Good luck finding it!

好强阿,祝你好运!!!Good luck to you! ! !

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我今天运气不佳。My luck is out today.

我祝你们好运。And good luck. I mean.

该诅咒的坏运气。Blame the rotten luck.

福米和坏运气的脚。Fumi and the Bad Luck.

他手气不佳。Luck goes against him.

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我最近太背了。I have really bad luck.

因此,走吧,祝你好运。So, be gone. Good luck.

我总是命该如此。This is always my luck.