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孩子们都很有见地。Children are very insightful.

可以学到大量独到的建议和窍门。Lot’s of insightful tips and tricks to learn.

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我喜欢让自己的见地的文章,对家庭友善的。I like to keep my insightful articles family-friendly.

同为饶舌歌手和演员的他,其作品往往具有深刻的见解。Hip hop artist and actor his work is always insightful.

这是比你所想到的更理解深刻的定义。This is a more insightful definition than you might think.

为一层无柱通透大空间,钢屋架,砖墙。Without the column, insightful big space, steel roof frame.

但是,这些做法遭到了众多有识者的反对和批判。These methods, however were strongly opposed by insightful people.

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看看佛教纪录片,了解一下佛教的情形,谢谢无雪!Thanks for this insightful documentary film into the life of Buddha !

柔和的笔迹显示出其人多思善虑的心灵和富有洞察力的头脑。The soft handwriting reflected a thoughtful soul and insightful mind.

这个概念带来了什么创见,抑或是困扰?Does this concept provide insightful additions or an added confusions?

即使是一些非基督徒都认为耶稣的教导极有见地。Even some non-­Christians say that Jesus' teachings are supremely insightful.

她的观点颇有洞见,于是我请问她,我能否将该邮件作为客座文章发布。Her note was so insightful that I asked her if I could run it as a Guest Post.

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因此,我们同意更新设计以反映她的良好的方法。Consequently, we agreed to update the design to reflect her insightful approach.

球技高超并不能让一个人成为熟练的、有洞察力的球场设计师。Playing golf well does not make one a skilled or insightful golf course designer.

这些明智的建议,正是广传福音的关键。These insightful suggestions are the key to effective evangelism around the world.

颁予最紧扣主题「爱」,并启发大众思考的评论。To the commentary that most relevantly presents insightful views on the theme "love".

他的电影总是一个所谓的深刻主题,就是“你不可能摆脱历史。”His film is always rendered as nothing more insightful than "you can't escape the past."

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并且因为我作证它是通透的使我们交与我们是相似的朋友。And as I testify that it is more insightful for us to make friends who are similar to us.

就是把自己的博客发给他们也行呀,写得又有见地又很能让人信服,他们估计不听从你的意见也难了。Or a blog that is so compelling and insightful that they have no choice but to follow up?

有识之士莫不心焦如焚,极力探索救亡图存的真正出路。Insightful people who did not anxious Rufen, vigorously explore the true way to salvation.