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检查松动在前面的耳机轴承。Check for looseness in front and headset bearings.

研究了松动槽楔在电机定子中的分布。In addition, this paper studies the distribution of wedge looseness.

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在机械设备中,机械松动是常见且易发生的故障类型。Mechanical looseness is one of common faults in mechanical equipments.

如发现有松动或底盘固定不稳,应及时加固,以避免事故发生。If looseness or instability of base plate were found, they should be reinforced to avoid accidents.

蕴含SE复合物,能消除肌肤松弛、细纹及晦暗等肌肤烦恼。It includes SE compound can dispel the skin annoyance of skin looseness , lines on face and tarnish.

松动髌骨往往可以证明在年轻狗,以及他们之前,迹象显示的麻烦。Looseness of the patella often can be demonstrated in young dogs, well before they show signs of trouble.

针对铁路货车心盘螺栓松动折断的问题,分析其原因,并提出防范措施。Based on bolt looseness broken analysis for railway wagon core plate, puts forward the preventive measures.

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对单杠等器材需要用拉线固定,使用时间长了会松动。Facilities like horizontal bar should be fixed by bracing wires because of the looseness caused in long time.

压接导线应用棘爪型工具以防压力不当引起松动。Catch pawl type tools shall be necessary for crimp wire, thus avoiding looseness caused by inappropriate press.

氛围的严紧或者宽松都在告诉你高层领导的个性和工作风格。Its tightness or looseness tells you about the personality and way of working of the high ranks of the company.

采用该结构的排椅椅架,连接稳固,不易松动。The row seat frame adopting the structure has the advantages of firm connection and low probability of looseness.

与此同时,货币政策的松动使得很多投资者担心通胀最终会卷土重来。At the same time, the looseness of monetary policy has made many investors fear the eventual resurgence of inflation.

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考虑到美国极其宽松的政策,疲软的美元同时也引起了对货币崩溃的担忧。Coupled with the extraordinary looseness of American policy, the weak dollar has also revived fears of a currency crash.

韧带松弛是最突出的腰带在臀部和腿部关节,并在不到确保它的结果步态。The ligament looseness is most prominent in the hip girdle and leg joints, and it results in a less than sure walking gait.

水平螺丝松脱测试当中,强力锁紧螺母的抓紧时间要比其他同类产品长。Hard Lock Nuts also retained their grip longer than competitor versions in a series of Junker Horizontal Screw Looseness Tests.

设计、制造了健康钢筋混凝土梁和钢筋混凝土局部松脱梁各若干根。The healthy RCBs and the RCBs with local looseness of reinforce steel bar and reinforce concrete are designed and manufactured.

应定期对整车的各联结部位和润滑点进行检查,及时排除紧固件的松动现象和保证润滑良好。Check all connections parts and lubrication point regularly, removal the fastener looseness promptly and ensure good lubrication.

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介绍一种基于虚拟仪器的大型发电机槽楔松动数字化声学检测系统。This paper introduces mainly a digital detecting system of looseness of stator wedge in a generator based on virtual instruments.

琴斯格亚将克塞妮亚的手臂转动划了个大圈,让她放松一下肌肉。Preobrazhenskaya rotated Kseniya's arms in a wide circle, feeling for looseness in her muscles, which she regarded as a good sign.

当出现裂纹-松动耦合故障时,松动故障的影响占主要地位,同时有较大范围的周期3运动区间出现。The pedestal looseness fault is the main influence on the coupling fault system, and there is period-3 motion appearing in the system.