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静音摇臂支撑结构,噪声更低。The mute rocker arm, less noise.

成品摇臂括号。The finished rocker arm brackets.

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但我看上去像是个唱摇滚的。Although I kinda look like a rocker.

为什么这个朋克横穿马路?Why did the punk rocker cross the road?

我猜他想让自己看起来像个玩朋克摇滚的。I guess he's supposed to be a punk rocker.

二是跷二郎腿或两手交叉于胸前。Second, Rocker his legs or hands crossed on his chest.

我想书快写到结束时,老家伙刚好疯掉了。I think by the end, the old guy was just off his rocker.

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声名狼藉的摇滚乐歌手加里·格利特返回了英格兰的家中。Disgraced rocker Gary Glitter is back at home in England.

摇滚乐手高中就辍学自己组建乐队。The rocker dropped out of high school and formed his own band.

我在壁炉里燃起一堆火,关上了我喜爱的摇滚乐。I built a fire in the fireplace and pulled up my favorite rocker.

自动运转时,材料边缘向检出器外偏移无法控制时,必需切换运转方向。Need to switch the rocker if running direction is out of control.

辊耳轴,摇臂支点在哪里其安装螺栓原样。" Roller " fulcrum rocker trunnion as is, "where" mounting screws.

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机翼下面-安装副翼舵机、摇臂、机翼压板。Below the wing----install aileron servo, rocker and pressure plate.

其中一名负责人与摇臂括号和火花塞安装。One of the heads with rocker arm brackets and spark plugs installed.

按闭门器的副摇臂在门框上画线。D. Draw lines on the door frame according to the auxiliary rocker arm.

组合主摇臂和闭门器的主体并拧好螺丝。C. Match the main rocker arm with the door closer and screw down the screws.

凸轮挺杆推动控制摇臂的推杆。The cam follower rides against a push rod, which pushes against a rocker arm.

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打开刀片将会使锁片把刀片锁定在打开状态。Opening the blade causes the rocker to lock against the blade, locking it open.

推荐一种设计门座起重机摇臂尾端平衡重的简便方法。A simple method of rocker end counter weight design for portal crane is proposed.

控制摇杆走位你的蛇蛇,吃掉地图上的彩色小圆点,就会变长。Control rocker who your snake, the snake eat the colored dots on the map, will be.