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我喜欢乌冬面。I love upon.

在公路上?Upon the highway?

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溺爱我直到永久。To dote upon me ever.

我突然心生一计。An idea broke upon me.

搭乘着野鹅的翅膀。Upon a wild goose wing.

我无意中发现这条真理。The truth burst upon me.

他们拼命拖住我的汽车,不让我走。They hauled upon my car.

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我们攻击我们的敌人。We began upon our enemy.

他只曲身于利润之前。He bent only upon profit.

柔软的滑过我的肌肤。Layin' soft upon my skin.

愿艾露恩的光线晖映着你们!May Elune shine upon you!

天正在发亮。The day is breaking upon.

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你可以向星星祈祷。You can wish upon a star.

善是立基于恶之上。Good is founded upon evil.

他可以花后。He can spend upon charity.

大地苍凉,百花尽谢。No flower upon the ground.

从不皱眉蹙额。Not a frown upon its face.

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他玩著一个杓子。And he played upon a ladle.

他玩著刮胡刀。And he played upon a razor.

他只屈身于利润之前。He bent solely upon profit.