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植物园中的温室。Hothouse in Botanic gardens.

这个户外空间也是植物园的一部分。This open-air space is also part of the Botanic Garden.

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那是植物园,是新加坡花园城市的花园中之花园。That is Botanic Gardens, a heart of green in the garden city of Singapore.

新加坡植物园是新加坡这个热带岛屿繁茂的缩影。The Singapore Botanic Gardens epitomises the tropical island's luxuriant parks.

急流在伊利诺斯州的芝加哥植物公园形成深蓝色的波浪。Rushing water creates deep-blue waves at the Chicago Botanic Garden in Illinois.

贝拉吉欧也有其自身的艺术画廊和植物爱好者,植物园。The Bellagio also has its own art gallery and, for plant lovers, a botanic garden.

植物园为于市内,可与其它风景点融为一体,方便游览。Botanic Gardens in the city, can be integrated with other scenic spots, easy to visit.

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植物甾醇是一种天然活性物质,具有重要的生理功能,结构与胆固醇相似。Phytosterol with similar chemical structure of cholesterol are abundant in botanic kingdom.

此外,还从事植物的采集活动,并参与酤酒、卖茶等市场活动。In addition, women also took part in collecting botanic foodstuff, selling wine and tea, etc.

居家创作,去植物园、龙华寺、秋霞圃写生。He drew pictures at home, and sketched at the botanic garden, Longhua Temple, and Qiuxia Garden.

其他项目的合作夥伴包括海洋公园,以及嘉道理农场暨植物园,无论是在香港。Other project partners include Ocean Park and Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden, both in Hong Kong.

植物专类园是一种强调专类植物展示和植物造景的园林形式,应用日趋广泛。Botanic garden is a kind of garden which emphasizes specified plants exhibition and planting design.

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我可以在敷脸时使用植物复方精油吗?有任何按摩精油的替代品吗?Can I use the Botanic Complex Oil for my hand for facial? Any substitute for the facial firming oil?

在阳光明媚的春日里,就让我们一起来到合肥植物园,走进今春合肥最美的踏青赏花地。In the bright sunshine, Hefei Botanic Garden becomes the most beautiful place to admire the flowers.

在阳光明媚的春日里,就让我们一起来到合肥植物园,走进今春合肥最美的踏青赏花地。With the bright sunshine, Hefei Botanic garden becomes the most beautiful place to admire the flowers.

大卫·坎特雷尔教授是墨尔本皇家植物园国家植物标本室的主管。Professor David Cantrell is director of the national herbarium at the royal botanic gardens in Melbourne.

国际植物园保护联盟发现在英国园圃里和收藏中范闲350多个物种。Botanic Gardens Conservation International found more than 350 such species in UK gardens and collections.

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在阳光明媚的春日里,就让我们一起来到合肥植物园,走进今春合肥最美的踏青赏花地。In the bright sunshine, Hefei Botanic Garden becomes more beautiful where we can appreciate the flowers in bloom.

该法有良好的选择性,可用于植物叶片中微量铅的直接测定。The proposed method has very good selectivity, which has been applied to determine lead directly in botanic leaf.

上图摄于芝加哥植物园,人物左至右依序为境鳞、心怡、慕天、怡君。The persons in picture above, taken while we visited Chicago Botanic Garden, are James, Sydney, Mu-tien, and I-jun.