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我刚换了班,准备出去。I switched shifts and jut got off.

出头的椽子先腐烂。The rafters that jut out rot first.

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把脖子伸长,把你的脖子稍微伸出来。Give longneck. Jut your neck out ever-so-slightly.

开始时稍稍下颚前倾,拉长脖子。Start by elongating the neck and jut your chin slightly forward.

商业和创新的脚步始终是不够快。Business as usual and the pace of innovation is jut not fast enough.

峡谷照片美术馆。岩层突出所提的黄石国家公园的大峡谷。Rock formations jut from the floor of the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone National Park.

尽可能的伸长颈部,直到感觉不舒服时,那才是正确的姿势。Jut your neck out ever-so-slightly. If it feels really stupid or it hurts, it's the right pose.

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往往出凸起的圆柱一侧的自行车,难以采取急弯。The cylinders tend to jut out the side of the bike , which makes it hard to take sharp corners.

从下巴的尖端到脚趾尖扫视下来,我甚至还设法在脚上打上了烙印。Scanning down from the jut of my chin to the tips of my toes, I’ve even managed to brand my feet.

群岛彷佛是大自然在太平洋上雕琢出来的珠宝。Here, nature’s fingers have sculpted intricate jewels that jut dramatically from the Pacific Ocean.

帕太兹先生非凡的想象力表现在那一对水泥机翼上,机翼向外突出达90英尺。Mr. Pettazzi’s extraordinary flourish was the concrete wings that jut out a total of more than 90 feet.

这种新型的注射器是用一种浓缩的、无痛氦射流将疫苗释放到血液中。The new injector uses a concentrated, painless jut of helium to deliver the vaccine to the blood-stream.

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因为那些高达50层的摩天大楼就那样矗立在丛林之外的巴拿马城,实在迥异于任何中美城市的低矮建筑群。The 50-storey skyscrapers of Panama City jut out of the jungle like nowhere else in low-rise Central America.

在加拿大育空地区的冰川与山脉相遇之处,一些山峰从冰雪中突起,就好像雪海之中的小岛。Where glaciers meet mountains in Canada's Yukon Territory, some peaks jut from the ice like islands in a frozen sea.

象剃刀那样锋利的一对门牙从下颚向前突出,可以与上颚的两颗较粗钝的牙对称嚼食。A pair of razorsharp incisor tasks jut forward from the lower jaw and grind against two blunter versions in the upper jaw.

海岸沿线有两个独立的海湾,河水携带而下的淤泥形成了一块突出的土地,将两个海湾分割开来。The coastline has two distinct bays, separated by a jut of land created by silt from the outflow of the brook into the sea.

在接近伊朗边境和海湾南部的地方,坚强的黄色的芦苇从裂开的土地上生长了出来。Towards the Iranian border and south to the Gulf, rigid and yellowing reeds jut from a hard-baked landscape of cracked mud.

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建筑起重机伸向天空,但越来越多只是矗立在那里,在工作重新开始前,必须等待新鲜注入的资金。Construction cranes jut into the skyline, but increasingly they are fixed in place, awaiting fresh financing before work resumes.

男人可能会抬起下颚,坐直身子,无意识地交叉手臂,大声笑或微笑。A man might jut out his chin, try to make his chest appear as large as possible, unconsciously flex an arm, laugh aloud, and smile.

凝灰岩,是突出在加利福尼亚州的东部雪乐山的莫诺湖面的不同寻常的岩层,以其超凡脱俗的美丽而闻名于世。Tufa, the unusual rock formations that jut out of Mono Lake in California's Eastern Sierra, are famous for their otherworldly beauty.