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托斯卡那安静极了。Tuscany was very quiet.

托斯卡纳?你搬到意大利了?Tuscany? Have you moved to Italy?

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但“兰斯”、“伦敦”还有“托斯卡纳”又指的是什么?And what of Reims, London and Tuscany?

他们在托斯卡纳区参观了一置酒镇。They visited a wine making town in Tuscany.

兰斯、伦敦的冲突还有托斯卡纳的瘟疫。Conflict at Reims, London and a pestilence in Tuscany.

他喜欢飞到托斯卡纳去照看他的葡萄园。He liked to fly to Tuscany to look after his vineyard.

埃尔巴是座落于托斯卡纳海岸外的美丽小岛。Elba is a small, scenic island off the coast of Tuscany.

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哦!我去过意大利这个美丽的地方,它叫托斯卡纳。Oh, I went to this beautiful place in Italy. It's called Tuscany.

在托斯卡纳寻找松露菌听起来真是一种赋有田园色彩的假日生活。Truffle hunting in Tuscany sounds like an idyllic way to spend a holiday.

两年前我去托斯卡纳旅行,那儿的风景真是太美了。I’ve had a trip to Tuscany two years ago. It's really a scenic wonderland.

从西西里到西班牙,从托斯卡纳到泰国,遍访全球盛产美食之地。Tours are offered the world over, from Sicily to Spain, from Tuscany to Thailand.

土斯坎乡野全年有2400小时的日照,为欧洲全区之冠。The Tuscany countryside basks in sunshine 2,400 hours a year, the most of any European region.

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来自托斯卡纳地区的高质量的酒,这跟现有的分级制度不一致。The high-quality wines from Tuscany that were made in defiance of the existing wine legislation.

Tuscany已经支持这些语言,并且我们将要为各规范工作组准备提案。Tuscany already supports these languages and we’re going to work on proposals for the spec workgroups.

米兰已经到达托斯卡纳,然后转到阿雷佐,准备今晚的意大利杯比赛。Milan have arrived in Tuscany and have transferred to Arezzo to prepare for this evening's Italian Cup game.

模块化与可扩展性从第一天起就是Tuscany的关键需求与特性。Modularity and extensibility have been the critical requirements and characteristics for Tuscany from day one.

托斯卡纳的马里马地区是意大利及国际旅游线路中深受游客欢迎的度假胜地之一。The Maremma region of Tuscany is one of the favourite destinations on the Italian and International tourist route.

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意大利除了是名牌集中地外,还是一处美不胜收的音乐培养胜地。More than just one of Italy's most beautiful regions, Tuscany also produced two of the greatest operatic composers.

这项混合柏油及砂石赛道的赛事途径托斯卡纳及翁布里亚。The route used to extend into regions such as Tuscany and Umbria and featured a mixture of asphalt and gravel stages.

两年前我去托斯卡纳旅行,那儿的风景真是太美了。于是我就在那个小区了买了套房子。I've had a trip to Tuscany two years ago. It's really a scenic wonderland. So I bought an apartment at that housing estate.