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作为一个牧师我一直面对着这种状况。As a pastor I face this all the time.

牧师与师母将前往参加。Pastor Pai and wife will be attending.

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中方如何看待美国牧师的行为?How do you view the plan of the pastor?

周牧师为短宣队员祈祷。Pastor Chow prays for the team members.

梅牧师鼓励短宣队员。Pastor Moy encourages the team members.

这是牧师的沉重负担。This puts a heavy burden on the pastor.

我们的“主”很快会现身的。Our Lord is coming very soon. Pastor F. M.

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请弟兄姐妹为刘牧师及他的家人献上祷告。Please pray for Pastor Liu and his family.

李嗣贵牧师用国语主讲。Preached by pastor milton lee using mandarin.

梁雅安牧师用国语传译。Interpreted by Pastor Onn Liang using Mandarin.

梁雅安牧师用国语传译。Interpreted by pastor one liang using mandarin.

李牧师在波士顿一切顺利,将于22日晚上回到休士顿。Pastor Lee will come back to Houston on May 22.

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张仲伟牧师用粤语主讲。Preached by Pastor Jerry Chong using Cantonese.

牧师本·斯莱是基督徒生活中心的负责人。Pastor Ben Slye, who runs Christian Life Center.

在握了握手之后,他便在牧师耳根小声耳语着什么。They shook hands and he whispered to the pastor.

为黄牧师及师母祷告。Please pray for the trip of Pastor Sam & Jeannie.

也许他们被一个牧师在他们的青年时代。Maybe they were abused by a pastor in their youth.

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目前﹐黄锦祥牧师是本教会专任主任牧师。Currently, Pastor Shawn Huang is our Senior Pastor.

感谢主带领刘兴汉牧师来甘城华人教会牧会。Praise the Lord for bring Pastor Liu to our church.

有兴趣参加小组者请与林荣生弟兄或梅牧师联络。Please contact Johnson Lam or Pastor Moy for details.