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他在1921年的英国高尔夫球公开赛期间愤愤地“拾起了球”。He “picked up” during the 1921 British Open in a fit of pique.

用来表示惊讶,惊奇,欣喜若狂,迷惑或愠怒。Used to express surprise, wonder, triumph, puzzlement , or pique.

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米米已不再为苏姗拒绝接受这份工作的事生气了。Mimi had gotten over her pique at Susan's refusal to accept the job.

他和赫拉德皮克被看作是弗格森的最有前途的青年人才。He and Gerard Piqué are seen as Ferguson's most promising young talents.

然而,他说,某些产品可能会激起他参加团购的兴趣。However, Shi says some products could pique his interest in group-buying.

皮克和弗莱彻总拿大家的衣服开玩笑。Pique and Fletch are always at the centre of pranks with player's clothes.

金铃儿愤然站起,竟是要叛师。The gold peal son station rises and unexpectedly wants Pan teacher in pique.

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更靠近溪边的地方放着网兜和水桶,这样做能激发学生的探究兴趣。Closer to the river are nets and buckets, which pique the students' interest.

另一种能激发孩子们阅读兴趣的办法就是给他买那些改编自电影的书。Another way to pique your child's interest is to give him a book that inspired a movie.

伊涅斯特、哈维、梅西、普约尔、皮克和巴尔德斯都来自于巴萨青训营。Iniesta, Xavi, Messi, Puyol, Pique and Valdes all came through the system at Barcelona.

凹凸织物可以采用称为填充纱线的粗特纱线,以产生一种有突出色彩的花型。Pique may utilize heavy yarns, called stuffer yarns, to produce an accentuated pattern.

夜晚,强生赌气本人去喝闷酒正好碰见嫣红,喝多了以后去了嫣红家里。Night, himself to drinking just met purples, Johnson &johnson pique purples drunk go home.

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哈维开出角球,普约尔跳越队友皮克,一记有力的头球穿行诺伊尔十指关。From a corner by Xavi, Puyol leapt above team-mate Gerard Pique and powered a header past Neuer.

这些球员中不乏迭戈·弗兰、朱塞佩·罗西、胡安·塞巴斯蒂安·贝隆、杰勒德·皮克以及其他众多球星这类的大牌。These players include Diego Forlan, Giuseppe Rossi, Juan Sebastian Veron, Gerard Pique and others.

了解如何在这个自由舞蹈教学视频初学者的芭蕾舞蹈赌气移动。Learn how to do the pique move for ballet dancing in this free instructional dance video for beginners.

曼城准备以5000万英镑的天价求购巴萨后防悍将皮克。Manchester City are preparing an astonishing 50m pound deal to take defender Gerard Pique from Barcelona.

假定一个5岁的儿童咒骂邻居。这会激怒家长采取暴力措施惩罚做错事的孩子。A five-year-old child blaspheming his neighbors, for instance, might pique the parents to punish the misdoer.

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这个夏天,去年联赛杯考试不及格的皮克和董方卓被曼联放弃。This summer, the League Cup last year, failure of the Pique Dong Fangzhuo and Manchester United have been given up.

在中国,江南现象引起了一种特别的不满,其让人们发问,问什么我们想不出这种东西?In China, the Gangnam phenomenon carries a special pique. It has left people asking, Why couldn't we come up with that?

巴拉圭巴尔德斯跃过了西班牙的竞赛时代,皮奎7月3日在约翰内斯堡埃利斯公园体育场。Paraguay's Nelson Valdez jumps over Spain's Gerard Pique during their match July 3at Ellis Park stadium in Johannesburg.