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更多的研究是在员工持股的运行机制上下功夫。And much more research is made on the running mechanism of ESOP.

在貌似平静的职工持股会外表下面,其实是暗潮涌动。In the seemingly calm facade ESOP Association is actually surging undercurrent.

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我们通过定期报告,雇员股票拥有的年度增长和分红来分享取得的成绩。We share our success with regular reports, annual ESOP growth, and profit sharing distribution.

ESOP是如何在美国产生和发展起来的、现状如何和怎样评价它是本文的主要研究目的。This paper discusses the origin, development, current situation, and assessment of ESOP in the US.

安飞士被认为是一种模式的公司和职工持股是最大的员工拥有公司在美国。Avis is considered a model ESOP company and is one of the largest employee-owned companies in the United States.

之所以这样安排,一个好处是ESOP体制可以大幅减轻税负。One of the main attractions of this arrangement is that the ESOP structure will bestow huge tax breaks on Tribune.

但对于ESOP是否可以明显地增进企业的绩效相关的实证研究并没有得到较为统一的结论。But positive studies have not come to any uniform conclusion about whether ESOP can promote performance dramatically.

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从理论上来讲,MEBO是MBO和ESOP的结合,充分体现了管理层和员工的地位和价值。Theoretically, MEBO is the conjugate of MBO and ESOP , embodies the management's and the employee's status and value.

对所定义的福利分配计划及雇员股票拥有计划的会计处理和披露方法有明确的规定。Detailed rules stipulating the accounting and disclosures for defined benefit and defined contribution plans and ESOP.

1989年的税收调解法废除了一些对ESOP的税收优惠但这一计划仍受欢迎。The Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1989 reduced several of the ESOP tax benefits but the programs remain popular nevertheless.

后来,美国参议员龙格接受了凯尔索的思想,并发起了旨在通过联邦立法促进ESOP实施的运动。Later, Long, one of American conscript fathers accepted the idea of ESOP and launched a campaign of applying it by legislation.

实行企业员工持股制度,有利于形成一种按劳分配与按资分配相结合的新型利益均衡机制。Carring out ESOP is benefit for forming a new type of balance of profit mechanism consisting of distribution according to work and capital.

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从美国的实践来看,企业实施ESOP最主要的三个目的是向职工提供退休福利、获取税收优惠和提高生产效率。The main purposes of applying ESOP are providing welfare for employees, obtaining favorable tax rates, and promoting productive efficiency.

随着民政部、证监会等一系列文件的出台,职工持股会似乎已是穷途末路、大势已去。With the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Commission issued a series of documents, ESOP Association appear to be desperate, hopeless situation.

以HD公司为研究对象,运用实地访谈和因子分析、方差分析等统计分析方法,研究员工个人特征通过激励机制对ESOP实施效果的影响。A case study of HD corporation was performed to estimate the impact of demographic characteristics of employees on motivational effects of ESOP.

随着各地清理、解散职工持股会动作的开始,一些潜在的法律问题将渐渐浮出水面。As the clean-up around the dissolution of the beginning of movements ESOP Association, a number of potential legal problems will gradually emerge.

本章介绍了内部职工股的实践及其法律问题、职工持股会持股制的实践及其法律问题,最后对我国员工持股制度的法律实践作了简单的小结。This chapter introduces the practice and law questions of EIESO, practice and law questions of ESOP. Finally it summarize on the law practice of ESOP in China.

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笔者认为针对非上市公司管理层的年薪制,和职工持股、奖金制能有效解决国有运输企业的激励问题。The writer thinks that age salary of manager, ESOP and award to employee aimed at non-stock company can settle the incentive system problem of state-owned enterprise effectively.

将员工持股计划作为中国国有企业进行产权改革,建立一种新型的企业所有权文化的手段,为企业体制改革和管理革新效力。We take ESOP as a method of reforming the property right in Chinese state-owned enterprise, Setting up a kind of new-type ownership culture and improve the enterprise management.