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火势炽盛。The fire is blazing.

当炽燃的太阳下山后。When the blazing sun is gone.

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火炉的火在吐焰。A fire was blazing in the fireplace.

那会儿,炽热的岩浆正从我们的身边奔腾而过。The blazing magma was surging by us.

炉箅子上的火很旺。A good fire was blazing in the grate.

她炽烈的眼神又在我心中燃烧着。Her blazing eyes burn in my heart again.

烈火炼真金。Pure gold is tempered in a blazing fire.

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战火轰隆,猩红的子弹在狂呼。War bellows blazing in scarlet batralions.

那天下午阳光直射在我们身上。The sun was blazing down on us that afternoon.

学生们一直在热烈谈论着旅行之事。The students kept blazing away about the travel.

不久他们把那篝火又拨旺了。And they soon had the camp-fire blazing up again.

一架机关枪仍在附近的屋顶上连射。A machine gun was still blazing from a nearby roof.

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在炽热的太阳照耀下,沙漠腾起股股热浪。Heat vapour steamed the desert under the blazing sun.

在阳光明媚的周一,我听到今年第一只棕柳莺的叫声。On blazing Monday I heard the year's first chiffchaff.

但是我感觉他像燃烧的柴炉一样靠近我。But I could feel him near me blazing like a wood stove.

轮廓鲜明的地平线上,一轮旭日喷薄欲出。The rim of the sun was blazing up over a sharp horizon.

东京的秋天,以银杏树炽烈的色彩为标志。Autumn in Tokyo, marked by blazing colors on gingko trees.

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当炽热的太阳已经西沉,当他不再普照万物了。When the blazing sun is gone, when he nothing shines upon.

我的眼球里进入了炽热的液体锡怎么办?。How was blazing liquid stannum entered to do in my eyeball?

闹事者用成堆燃烧着的轮胎挡住了街道。The rioters barricaded streets with piles of blazing tires.