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他们给卡车装完货物。They loaded up the lorry.

恒昌行第一部货车。Hang Cheung Hong's first lorry.

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罢工工人拒绝为他的那辆货车装卸。The strikers blacked his lorry.

他的自行车撞在一辆卡车上。His bicycle collided with a lorry.

顺便提下,他开还是一辆货车。By the way, he was driving a lorry.

我的车险些儿没有避开卡车。My car only just cleared the lorry.

旁边停着一辆面包车和一辆卡车。A van and a lorry were parked there.

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他用力拉着卡车的两边。He heaved at the sides of the lorry.

这座桥对卡车而言太窄了。The bridge is too narrow for a lorry.

卡车司机在库房装车。The lorry driver loaded up at the depot.

昨晚一辆货车撞在了这棵树上。A lorry smashed into the tree last night.

卡车的一声撞到路灯柱上了。The lorry hit the lamp-post with a crash.

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这卡车的最大载重量是一吨。The maximum load of the lorry is one ton.

一辆卡车从简的猫咪身上碾过后逃之夭夭。A lorry ran over Jane's cat and sped away.

我的汽车撞上了运货卡车后毁坏了。My car buckled up when it struck the lorry.

卡车失去控制直往山下冲去。The lorry ran down the hill out of control.

一辆重型卡车在厚厚的积雪中艰难地行进。A heavy lorry floundered about in deep snow.

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似乎一辆凭空出现的货车停下了。Seemingly out of nowhere, a lorry pulled up.

货物将用卡车运往大连。The goods will be carried by lorry to Dalian.

卡车突然转向以免撞著那孩子。The lorry swerved sharply to avoid the child.