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耻感以恶为对象,恶是丑的,但耻感却是美的。The evil is ugly, but the sense of shame is esthetical.

然而,“暴力美学”究竟是美还是丑?But, is"violence aesthetics"a kind of esthetical or ugly?

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它应该是符合大自然的,也必须是美的。Therefore, it should conform to the nature and be esthetical.

诗歌翻译的审美体验有着显著的主动性、拓展性和创造性。The esthetical experience is full of remarkable initiative, developing and creative.

王夫之审美意象说蕴含深邃的价值形而上学色彩。Therefore, Jang Fuzhi's esthetical image theory profoundly contains a value of metaphysics.

王夫之审美意象说蕴含深邃的价值形而上学色彩。Therefore, Wang Fuzhi's esthetical image theory profoundly contains a value of metaphysics.

本文拟采用多重视角,力图对音乐审美教育的涵义做一定层面的阐释。The paper tries to discuss the connotation of music esthetical education in many dimensions.

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妇女诉诸越来越美的手术,以改善他们的外貌。Women are resorting more and more to esthetical surgery to improve their physical appearance.

冀东民间故事具有美的形态、审美价值与美育功能。The folktales there have the esthetical conformation, art taste value and beauty training function.

居室中处处充满美的感受,生活才会荡然有趣,充满生机。Only sitting room is filled with esthetical taste life can go as good as enjoyment, filled with vital force.

马克思恩格斯文艺批评的总体原则和方法是美学观点和历史观点。The overall principle and approach of Mark's and Engel's literary criticism is esthetical and historical viewpoint.

美的普遍性问题在西方美学史上很少被特别地强调。In the west aesthetics history, there are a few discussions that take the esthetical universality as the core issue.

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目的探讨唇裂术后继发鼻唇畸形功能性修复的美容效果。Objective To investigate the esthetical effect of the functional repair of secondary nasal deformities of cleft lip.

钢箱连续曲梁以其跨度大、面小、型美,普遍被市政工程采用。Steel box continuous curved beam with its big span, little section, esthetical sculpt, is adopted generally by municipal projects.

王夫之诗歌审美意象说包含情景交融论和审美直觉的“现量”论。Wang Fuzhi's poetic esthetical image theory covers affection and scene blending, and esthetical instinctive action, showing mete theory.

本文选择城市夜景观中的表现主体——建筑夜景观作为研究对象,对其美学要素进行研究。Firstly, this article discusses the essential esthetical problem of architecture landscape lighting from the point of view of philosophy.

“对称”被公认为是美的一种因素,我国传统艺术处理中更大量运用对称手法。Symmetry" is an esthetical factor commonly recognized, and the symmetry technique is widely used in the conventional art of our country."

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许多中国古典山水诗运用了寄情于景的审美移情,营造了“有我之境”。Many Chinese classical poem of landscape utilized esthetical sentiment moves through expressing feelings to build "having me in the scene".

复调写作既是一种审美活动,就应当从审美心理活动的视角进行审视,这样才可以避免陷入误区。In order not to follow this misunderstanding, polyphonic writing must be regarded and practiced from the viewpoint of esthetical mental activities.

康德关于“美的艺术”的理论不仅触及了艺术的本质因,也协调了他在对美作纯粹分析时提出的看似矛盾的理论。Kantian esthetical art only touches the essence of art, but also coordinates his theory which appears to be contradictory when he analyzed esthetics.