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一天晚上,莱拉独自站在花园里观察夜空。One night, Leila stood alone in the garden, watching the sky.

说明磊落的政治家的胸怀和历史的责任感。Leila Help-minded politicians and historical sense of responsibility.

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莱拉在本质上就是一位女权主义者,因为她主张女性平权。Leila is by definition a feminist since she believes in equal rights for women.

但司法部长莱拉•德利马命令行政人员阻止其登机。But the Justice Secretary Leila de Lima ordered officials to stop the Arroyos from boarding the plane.

在他们结婚后第一万零三百零九年,莱拉和加西姆开始思考死亡。In their ten-thousand, three hundred and ninth year of marriage, Leila and Jasim began contemplating death.

另据报道,阿里和莱拉的两个女儿为避难,已飞往巴黎迪士尼乐园。Two of Ben Ali's and Leila Trabelsi's daughters reportedly arrived at Disneyland Paris in an attempt to seek asylum.

另据报道,阿里和莱拉的两个女儿为避难,已飞往巴黎迪士尼乐园。Two of Ben Ali’s and Leila Trabelsi’s daughters reportedly arrived at Disneyland Paris in an attempt to seek asylum.

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据NPR新闻的莱拉·法德尔报道,穆尔西发布的新宪法声明实际上把埃及带回了“集权统治”时代。NPR's Leila Fadel reports Morsi has issued a constitutional decree that effectively pulls Egypt back to one-man rule.

敛财后,莱拉·特拉贝尔西飞往沙特阿拉伯,与遭法国拒之门外的丈夫汇合。After collecting the money, Leila Trabelsi flew to Saudi Arabia to join her husband after he was denied entry to France.

开罗一家法院今天接受重审,NPR新闻的莱拉·法德尔报道此举将有可能受到大多数埃及人的欢迎。A court in Cairo order the re-trail today, NPR's Leila Fadel reports the move will be likely welcomed by most of the Egyptians.

由于其奢侈的生活作风和对名牌服装的迷恋,蕾拉·特拉贝尔西一直被广泛批评,被认为是腐败和过度浪费的终极象征。Due to her lavish lifestyle and fondness for designer clothes, Leila Trabelsi is widely despised as the ultimate symbol of corruption and excess.

突尼斯一家法庭以挪用、滥用公款罪判处前总统扎因·阿比丁·本·阿里和他的妻子35年有期徒刑。Tunisian court has sentenced former President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali and his wife Leila to 35 years in jail for embezzlement and misusing public funds.

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菲律宾政律司司长唐宁-利马说,从子弹弹道和人质的伤口来看,有些乘客可能受到了警方误伤。The justice secretary, Leila de Lima, said bullet trajectories and the hostages' wounds indicated that some of the passengers may have been hit by friendly fire.

但是激起突尼斯人民全民的愤怒的一个主要因素是本。阿里家庭成员明显无节制的消费,特别是他第二任妻子的亲戚,雷拉。特贝西。But one major source of Tunisians' widespread rage was the conspicuous consumption of Ben Ali's extended family, particularly the relatives of his second wife, Leila Trabelsi.