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我能找出选择下的理由吗Can I rationalize choosing Down?

我该如何解释我为什么选下呢How am I going to rationalize choosing down?

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认识到这一点,我们才有可能不那么躁动。Up to a point, we can rationalize our pushiness.

他们力图使新的作业方法更趋合理。They attempted to rationalize the new working method.

拖延就是这种逃避和自我欺骗的一种形式。We rationalize our procrastination with self-deception.

他们很聪明因此他们合理化自己的行为。They're smart and so they rationalize what they're doing.

看起来我好想解释了为什么选中It seems like I've managed to rationalize choosing middle.

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不要做情绪性的决策,然后事后再想办法将它合理化。Don't make emotional decisions and rationalize them afterward.

但是你慢慢长大,开始让自信合理化。But as you got older, you began to rationalize your confidence.

第一步是使分数的分母有理化。The first step is to rationalize the denominator of a fraction.

现在我们能合理解释,元素周期表上的东西了。And now we can rationalize what is going on in the Periodic Table.

我认为对手应该会选左,这样我认为选上是合理的I believe the other guy is going to choose Left, I can rationalize choosing Up.

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对三种情况我都给出了合理解释,并且我希望巴里不会解雇我I can rationalize all three of these decisions and hope that Barry won't fire me.

我总是拿我的工作开玩笑,试图对朋友、甚至对我自己为它找个合理的解释。I make jokes about this work, trying to rationalize it to friends and even to myself.

这样的想法在你的脑海里盘踞了一小段时间便被理智赶走了,或者屈服于你内心的恐慌。You entertain the thought for a brief moment but rationalize it away or succumb to fear.

我想问你,看看这种能级图,如何证实我们知道的是正确的。I would ask you to see how such energy level diagrams rationalize what we know to be true.

一个人可以想出很多原因使自己忽略体育锻炼的行为合理化。There are numerous virtuous reasons a person can conjure up to rationalize skipping a workout.

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我想给我刚才所看到的找一个合理的解释,但是,我做不到。Fortunately I didn’t see it again. I tried to rationalize what I had just seen, but I couldn’t.

随着时间的推移,人们往往会理顺自己的行为,为自己的过错找理由,洛斯指出。Over time, people rationalize their actions, explaining away their mistakes, Roese pointed out.

让我们往回看,回到我们的能级图表,来看看我是否能使能级图表合理化些。I want to go back to our energy level diagrams and see if I can rationalize energy level diagrams.