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长焦镜头和广角镜头都要试试。Try both wide and telephoto lenses.

一整排的远摄镜头都对准了他。A bank of telephoto lenses homed in on him.

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我想要一个远摄镜头,你们有吗?。I want a telephoto lens. Do you have one here?

慎人先生,能留下您的联系号码吗?Would you tell me you telephoto number, Mr. Shen Ren?

准备好耐心和一个长焦镜头,好好享受这奇妙之旅吧。Prepare to be patient, and have a good telephoto lens.

为了轻便和防止颤动,长焦镜头是比较理想的镜头。To light and prevent vibration, telephoto lens is ideal lens.

假如你有一个长焦距镜头,这样做的效果会更好。This is especially exciting for them if you have a telephoto lens on.

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然后就是相机、长焦镜头、带摄像头的手机。Then there is the camera, the telephoto lens, and the cellphone with a camera.

或许今后还会有16GB的“摄远镜头”或32GB的“全景镜头”可供选择。Perhaps there'll be 16GB telephoto or 32GB zoom lenses available in the future.

也许在将来会有16GB的远焦或32GB变焦镜头。Perhaps there’ll be 16GB telephoto or 32GB zoom lenses available in the future.

一些“超变焦”照相机拥有独配的长焦镜头。"Ultrazoom" cameras pack in telephoto lenses that once would have required their own cases.

另一个非常受欢迎的配件是一个远摄镜头,使您可以放大您的问题。Another very popular accessory is a telephoto lens that allows you to zoom in on your subject.

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由于灰尘已覆盖了射远镜头,NEAR的舒梅克已无法再拍摄照片。NEAR Shoemaker's picture-taking days are over, because its telephoto lens is nearly in the dirt.

只有将在最长的长焦相机的设置使用,以避免晕。It is only to be used at the longest telephoto setting of the camera in order to avoid vignetting.

可选的长焦和广角镜头为补充的多功能性和特殊的申请。Optional telephoto and wide angle lenses available for added versatility and special applications.

同时在后期制作时,借助镜头的剪辑功能,增强艺术感染力。In the production of later stage, we should strengthen artistic appeal by editing function of telephoto lens.

在加州大学圣迭戈分校的工程师们修建了折叠镜头一功能强大,超薄型数码相机。Engineers at UC San Diego have built a powerful yet ultrathin digital camera by folding up the telephoto lens.

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对于远距摄像者来说,结果就是意外的好,因为所有的镜头都会变得更强大有效。For telephoto shooters the result is quite a bonus, as all your lenses will effectively get even more powerful.

为实现系统结构紧凑和大视场的特点,采用反远型结构进行放缩和简化。To achieve the lens with compact feature in structure and wide field of view, an inversed telephoto system is used.

瑞芬斯塔尔采用了移动摄影机、长焦镜头、失真透视和空中摄影技术,令观众为之着迷。Riefenstahl's use of moving cameras, telephoto lenses, distorted perspectives and aerial photography captivated audiences.