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分析部首表意性是有意义的。Analyzing ideographic nature of radical is meaningful.

汉字是从中国借鉴的复杂的表意字符书写体系。The kanji are a complex ideographic writing system stolen from China.

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汉字的表意性使得文字与社会文化有紧密联系。The Chinese ideographic characters have close relations with the social culture.

形声字并非表音文字,其字体结构依然遵循表义原则。Pictophonetic characters are not phonographic, but ideographic in their word forms.

表意的抽象性导致小说艺术世界的虚幻化。The ideographic abstractness brings about the illusionary artistic world in novels.

魏的笔墨体现了绘画突出的中国风格,这种风格是以表意文字为基础的。Wei's brushwork reveals a definitive Chinese style of painting, based on ideographic signs.

特别是纳西族,所使用的东巴文是当今世界上唯一的表意文字。东巴文主要是东巴僧侣用来指导祭祀活动的。The Naxi use the Dongba script, which is the only ideographic writing system in use in the world today.

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表意的主观性和抽象性导致小说偏向表现“形而上的现实”。The ideographic subjectivity and abstractness results in the emphasis in "metaphysical reality" in novels.

遗憾的是19世纪法国传教士引入字母取代越南的表意文字。The shame is that a French monk in the early 19th century introduced an alphabet which replaced Vietnamese ideographic writing.

在日语表意文字中使用的、由符号组成的一种图形字符集,其中的每个字符都用二个字节来表示。A graphic character set consisting of symbols used in Japanese ideographic alphabets. Each character is represented by two bytes.

加之楔形文字又是一种表意文字,几个符号组合起来就形成一个新解释。In addition, Cuneiform is also a kind of ideographic characters, the combination of several symbols could show out a new meaning.

侧重表意功能的为文字学原则部首,侧重检字功能的则为检字法原则部首。Radical of philology principles is intended to focus on ideographic nature and radical of indexing principles lays emphasis on indexing.

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透过表意文字汉语来音译转写罗马拉丁文字,本文即具相当困难。The transliteration from an alphabetic language to an ideographic language like Chinese often incurs certain insurmountable difficulties.

汉语是表意文字,由表音文字译为表意文字时无法通过形态手段构成新词术语。Chinese is ideographic. Form means can not be used to constitute the new terminology when phonetic writing is translated to ideographic writing.

技术作为一种表意符号,它的发展对社会心理互动既有积极的影响,也有消极的影响。As one kind of ideographic symbol, the development of technology both has active effect and negative effect to the interaction of social psychology.

象形字和会意字都能从字形上看出字的意义,但却不能读出声音。Ideographic characters and Pictographic characters can be seen from the shape on the meaning of the words, but they are not allowed to deliver voice.

实际使用的句子总是有语境的、相同的语法形式,在不同语境中体现不同的功能。It is one of modern Chinese characteristics that some verbs can be reduplicated, and the reduplicated forms have structural and ideographic function.

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本文从语言对比分析的角度对英汉语音韵的表意功能进行了探讨。Based on the comparative approach of English and Chinese languages, the thesis aims at the research of both languages ideographic function of phonology.

表意贴切,准确,行文流畅,符合中文特性,尽量避免翻译腔。Ideographic appropriate, accurate and fluent style of writing, in line with Chinese characteristics, as far as possible to avoid the translation of cavity.

这样一种“文本的图象化”具有颠覆传统的将文本看作表意的和传达意识形态功能的力量。Then, imagination of text was of a strength, which overturned the traditional opinion that made the text be an ideographic and expressing ideology function.