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我们于黎明时抵达山顶。We reached the mountaintop dawn.

我们于黎明时抵达山顶。We reached the mountaintop at dawn.

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他们从山顶下来。They descended from the mountaintop.

他居住在山顶的帐篷中。He dwells on a mountaintop in a tent.

一时间,山顶上刀光剑影,天昏地暗。At that time, when the whole mountaintop.

山桃红花满上头。The pink peach flowers crown the mountaintop.

山顶笼罩在飘动的云层里。The mountaintop is shrouded in a blowing cloud bank.

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到达山顶时,我们筋疲力尽了。We were tuckered out when we got to the mountaintop.

占据山顶的有利位置,我观察到了大猩猩如何就寝。From my mountaintop perch, I observed how chimpanzees go to bed.

他为山顶上那些中世纪的城堡而欢呼雀跃。He jumps up with joy for those mediaeval castles on the mountaintop.

这张照片是在智利的一座高山顶上用巨型天文望远镜摄下的。The photo was taken with a giant telescope on a mountaintop in Chile.

你能在各座山间听见我的号叫。"You could hear me yelling from mountaintop to mountaintop, " Fay says.

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但现在这对我已经是无所谓了,因为我已经到过山之颠。But it really doesn’t matter with me now, because I’ve been to the mountaintop.

1806年,探险家泽伦派克看见的山顶,就是现在知名的“派克山顶”。In 1806, explorer Zebulon Pike sighted the mountaintop now known as "Pikes Peak."

如果再暖和一点,高山植物也会变成硬木林的。If it ever warmed up a little, that's what an alpine mountaintop wants to be also.

在高高的山顶有一块被杜松和矮松覆盖的平地。The high, flat mountaintop is covered with many green juniper and pinon pine trees.

撞机后,他们在白雪皑皑的山顶度过了72天,太不可思议了。They had lived an astonishing 72 days on the snow-covered mountaintop after the crash.

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全新规划建设的山顶餐吧预计将于本雪季投入使用。The newly planned mountaintop dining bar is predicted to be put into use in this season.

阿帕拉契山脉一半多煤矿都采用山巅移除采矿的方法。More than half of Appalachian coal mining is done by the wrenching mountaintop removal method.

山顶是一个观星的绝佳之处,但要清楚地看见上帝,则需要一颗改变的心。A mountaintop is a great place to see the stars, but to clearly see God requires a change of heart.